1st Pic Rocky's Clan


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I have pepper fry in a net from Rocky Balboa's clan! hehe They just finished their egg sac, and I watched one scoot across the net bottom.

I took pics; we'll see tonight if they turn out, and I can get anything from them. Right now they look like pics of a net. :lol:

Be back tonight
Congrats on your corydora fry cant wait till my corydoras breed. :good: :good: :good:
I forgot to bring the usb cord, soooo no pics tonight.

I don't think many of the salvaged eggs made it in the transition. I saw 2 fry scampering around, but I am hoping I didn't hurt them moving the net. They go between the net abd the frame. -_- I see 3 black dots that are probably dead fry. I don't know if I hurt then when I moved them. :X Now I can't see any swiming around. We shall see. If it is a bust this time, I will get them next time.
Well, the little fellows are there. Some from the first hatch and most from the second. They are doing fine so far in a breeder net in the community tank. They are hard to photograph through the glass and the water and then the net and more water. B)

But there are some that aren't hiding. There is actually a plant stem in there too, and you can't tell the difference. :lol:

Would u recommend putting fry in a breedin net instead of another tank? Would it be better for their immune system to keep them in the net? Love the pics
Bozza, I am lazy and busy. I have used the breeding net, because I don't have to worry as much about fungus and keeping the tank water changed. Some people do well with the net, some hate it.

I don't think it is how I would go, if I was looking to do a major breeding thing. Then I would have a breeding tank and fry tanks, etc.

With this little group of salvaged eggs, I am feeding the fry that gel additive/suppliment (GelTek or something) and a little fry powder. Also the tank is planted, and I have a plant floating in the net, so there is some plant material to snack on. All I have to do is stir the water and rub the netting and the excess food falls through. When I feed the main tank, I drop some live black worms in the net. They wiggle right throught the netting. But when the fry start nibbling on them, I will know it is near time to get them into a grow out tank or even an adult tank.

Just to be clear, Bozza, I put the eggs on a plastic plant in the breeder net and the fry hatched in there.
One of the little fellows tried to nibble on a black worm. First she tried one end, then she tried the other. :lol: She swam away, when the worm kept thrashing about. So cute! :*

I believe there are at least seven little fellows in there. We will do another pic sitting soon. They are growing fast!

I believe I will set up my 30" 20 usg for a breeder tank, when the new 40 usg comes.
You can buy some more time if you put two nets together. All you have to do is place them side by side as they would be in the tank, then sew them together where they touch. Then you cut out the center. Now you have double the space and 4 hangers so you no longer have to worry about it falling. I did that. It works great for me.

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! It worked! I'm back!!
I can post again!!!!!
Hmm, did I mention that there are now C. aeneus eggs and possibly some albino long fin peppers eggs as well in the net?

At the moment my problem is more keeping the net submerged when I do water changes. I have another net, but I am going to set it up in a different tank for different cories.

I'm longing for the day our bronze's lay us some eggs. Congrats on your little brood, they're so teeny and cute!

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