Bozza, I am lazy and busy. I have used the breeding net, because I don't have to worry as much about fungus and keeping the tank water changed. Some people do well with the net, some hate it.
I don't think it is how I would go, if I was looking to do a major breeding thing. Then I would have a breeding tank and fry tanks, etc.
With this little group of salvaged eggs, I am feeding the fry that gel additive/suppliment (GelTek or something) and a little fry powder. Also the tank is planted, and I have a plant floating in the net, so there is some plant material to snack on. All I have to do is stir the water and rub the netting and the excess food falls through. When I feed the main tank, I drop some live black worms in the net. They wiggle right throught the netting. But when the fry start nibbling on them, I will know it is near time to get them into a grow out tank or even an adult tank.
Just to be clear, Bozza, I put the eggs on a plastic plant in the breeder net and the fry hatched in there.