1st Fish Tank Changed...

First, that's a great start. I love the way you have the cobbles done. As the Cabomba grows (I think that's cabomba you have there) you can pune and replant to get a nice couple of thickets going. I'd plant some rotala or wisteria or giant hygo between, and some smaller crypts in the front corners, maybe some low rocks with Java moss.

How's this for odd: Start with two Leopard Ctenopomae. Then a Trio of Marigold Swordtails for color and food production. . Couple of Bulldog Plecos. A Ropefish (Maybe two or three). Finally, some larger, robust schooling fish - Rosy Barbs, Neon Rainbows, Scissortail Rasborae.

Alternately, get 1 male and 2 female pearl gouramis, Half a dozen Black Ruby barbs, 6 brilliant rasborae (if you are good with water quality), and a shoal of 5 yoyo or angelicus or striped loaches. That will cover all levels of the tank.
er.... rope fish will get too long imo. Even if they are lazy, a tank that could be 1/2 their length isn't that good for them. That's why I sugessted a senegal
i dont remember reading that he/she even wants stocking suggestions :lol:
your new plants look sweet as does the plain background :good: great job
i dont remember reading that he/she even wants stocking suggestions :lol:
your new plants look sweet as does the plain background :good: great job

thanks mate yeah i did ask for stocking suggestions but i more wanted comments on the tank design

Thanks for your comments really appreciate it...

Thanks... :good:
Well done. That looks great as is, and it'll look awesome after the plants in back have spread out a little to fill the gaps.
It does look great. I love the natural look. If I was ever going to redo my tank I would have it look like that! Great job! :) :good: :)

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