1st Aquabid Buys

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Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
I am Buying this from GB.

Drooooooooolll :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Wow...they are superb! Wish I had more room LOL.

splashluff said:
wow, freakin gorgeous. :drool: I loove the coppery BF boy.. good luck with them!

I chose the Copper Bf as I am Setting up a Pico Tank with a Copper Theme.

Copper Substrate and Copper Black/Copper Rock and I wanted a Copper or white betta For it.
ScoutCarcer said:
Your Bettas Are Drop Dead Gorgeous :wub:

P.S. What kind of tail does the last one have?
Ha Ha,

Its Taken Nearly A Week of Hours upon Hours of Umming and Aaaaahing and Asking the sellers ther shipping Costs.
Thankfully This Seller Uses Bettaman as a Shipper.
Gill said:
Thankfully This Seller Uses Bettaman as a Shipper.
They are certainly gorgeous :D
But using Bettaman is the shipper ? I did not know he does that kind of thing ????
Also, I was not aware that any Aquabid sellers ship to the UK (legally).
I hope all works out though and you get them safe and sound without any problems.
Oh. I love both! I got a pair of one white platinum doubletail you got and they are sibling. Did you getting a female too? You can email the thailand breeder grandbetta and they will give you discount or selling cheaper to you. :) I would get the red dragon female for sure. It that a copper red or dragon red? :D
yeeviabetta said:
Oh. I love both! I got a pair of one white platinum doubletail you got and they are sibling. Did you getting a female too? You can email the thailand breeder grandbetta and they will give you discount or selling cheaper to you. :) I would get the red dragon female for sure. It that a copper red or dragon red? :D

I almost Bought the Super Red Dragon By mistake - Ouch £120.00

BUt I love the fish and Hope to get them.


Yep Bettaman is a Fully Licensed Shipper for the Uk - 1 of only a few.
Panic, Could Not pay as Account Decided to Not Let me Log in.

Panic Over after a Frantic Day.

Just the Copper BF rosetail now.

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