19 Litre Shrimp Tank


Mar 30, 2009
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blandford, dorset
i want to keep bee shrimp in a 19litre tank. they will be the only thing in the tank but i odnt know alot about them.
do i need a heater?
do i need a filter?

it will be well planted and it will be lighted by a simple light that is 20W
also haw many could i keep in it?

thanks :good:
Filter yes, a little sponge filter will do. Heater, not for Cherry shrimp but more likely for things like amanos ect.
bee shrimp like over 68 upto 80 degrees

i keep my crystal blacks at 74 degrees with the cherrys and they are breeding well

they need a cycled tank , weekly water changes and dont let the tempo get too low , mine are kept in unheated tanks as water temp never drops below the 68

I keep amano , tigers , crystal red , crystal black , cherry , green , marbled dwarf and malayian shrimp all at these sorts of conditions

of course some of them have to be kept seperate due to the risk of hybridising

try here for more info hun http://www.ukshrimp.co.uk/index.php?option...e&Itemid=53
im going to buy a sponge filter. also what size heater will be good for this size tank? im going to leave the tank 6 weeks whilst feeding it ammonia. then how many CRS caould i have in this tank considering if they breed? how about if i start off with 3?
I have a fry tank that I keep my shrimp in while the fry grow. I used to get the occasional death of shrimp even thought the water parameters were spot on. I realised however that the tank is very close to the kitchen where we use quite a few cleaning products (anti-bacterial sprays etc) and I know the shrimp are very delicate.

I put activated carbon in the filter in my tank and since then have had no random deaths. So It may be wise to use a low power filter or sponge filter with a little activated carbon inside.
how much will a sponge filter cost?
what size heater do i need?
how many could i have to start off with?
i would like these questions to be anwsered
a sponge filter can start at about £5 and goes upwards from there

the heater may not be nesccary, im told it depends on the shrimp. however a standard size heater for a tank that size is 25w

you could start off with a group of 5-6 if you have some that readily breed. if they breed less you might want slightly more
thanks oliesminis. where is a good place to buy the filter from?
i will start with 4 and if no breeding happens i wil add more.
ebay is the best place to look

the elite stingray range is a good sponge filter for smaller tanks.
do cherry shrimp not *need* a filter then?
wow i never knew that!

edit - meant heater not filter!!
Oh, they need a filter alright- don't bother trying to keep them without one, you will have listless and most likely dead shrimp within a day or two.

(Personal experience... sadly...)
As long as the room is a reasonably warm constant temperature ( such as a sitting room for example ) you don't need a heater.
it will be in my bedroom so im going to need a heater. also i need the following question answered:
what size heater do i need?
what size filter do i need and where would be a good place to get it from?

also what low light plants would be good. i was thinking moss balls and normal moss. matbe anubais and also maybe some corkscrew vallis. does his sound good. i will put rocks and also some dried out twigs to put the moss onto. does this soung god for a shrimp setup?

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