180litre juwal tank. Sticking question


New Member
Sep 9, 2018
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Hello I have my 180litre tank going over six weeks now, I have 9 Harlequin rasboras and one scissor tail rasbora (got in the bag by mistake) and three Julii Cory's since week 4 all doing well, had one Cory die at the start. After one week I've got 11 cardinal tetras now with mixed results. And I just got two powder blue gouramis and a red one. Is this the max the tank can be stocked at or is it possibly overstocked? I like the community tank set up. From what I've read I think these are varieties that are OK with each other. Any advice/ideas?
I don't know the water parameters, but from a species perspective these are "compatible," sort of. The gourami are the question.

I would return the scissortail rasbora if at all possible; without a group this will stress thee fish, and this can be serious trouble down the road as aggression usually results, or death. A larger group of this species is the other option, but it is a larger sized fish (attaining six inches) and needs at minimum a 4-foot tank.

Increase the cories with 3-4 more of the same species. The more the better, and five is absolute minimum.

Depending upon water parameters, some surface fish would fill in that space, as everything you now have is mid to lower level.
I thought the gouramis were a top level fish? Ya I am waiting for the store to get back in the Julii Corys and will get three more so thanks :) the temp is 28degrees and pH is 6.8-7. I do 20percent Water changes every ten days. Ammonia,nitrite and nitrate readings are ok and I feed them normal flake food and then blood worms once a week. It's a planted tank, but should I get some floating plants for some of these fish?
I thought the gouramis were a top level fish? Ya I am waiting for the store to get back in the Julii Corys and will get three more so thanks :) the temp is 28degrees and pH is 6.8-7. I do 20percent Water changes every ten days. Ammonia,nitrite and nitrate readings are ok and I feed them normal flake food and then blood worms once a week. It's a planted tank, but should I get some floating plants for some of these fish?

Temporarily missed the gourami previously, sorry, so yes, forget that issue.

Water changes should be once a week minimum, and change 50-60% of the tank volume. This will make a difference to the fish, believe me. We can never do too many water changes, but there is no reason to go to excess, and every seven days with a substantial change should be fine.

Yes, floating plants are beneficial for all our fish, especially these here. Gourami actually need them to cruise among, but the "shade" will bring out the best in lower fish too.

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