180g filtration


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
i've just realised that i may not be running enough filtartion for my tank.
i'm currently running a fluval 4 plus and that's only 260 gph.

i kinda need suggestions on what i could use
and when i buy a new filter how much is it suppse to cycle (?) an hour

thanking u in advance :) :) :)
A single Fluval 4+ is nowhere near enough to filter a 180g tank on it's own (are you sure you mean 180g and not 180l, 180g would be around 6x2x2 feet) For a tank that size I would be using 2 large cannister filters like eheim 2217's or if you want the flashier version a couple of Eheim 2026's. You can get a single filter to do the tank on it's own, but I prefer to use 2 filters in case one has any problems.
Hey ive got a 180gallon tank 6x2x2

Im running 2 eheim 2128 (600L/H) the ones with the heater(2028 without the heater) and i can tell you it is just enough to do my tank with a heavy fish and plant load. Im actually going to upgrade to 2 new eheim III as soon as they hit australia they do 1200L/H.

Bare minimum would be 2 2028 to get some good flow and filtration. You wont to filter your tank atleast twice an hour more the better
the 2026 is rated for tanks up to 92g, so 2 of these would be fine as a minimum, but I agree with cossack1977; it's better to get bigger filters. IMO you can't overfilter a tank. (unless you are going for heavy planting)
ah dang thanks for letting me know :(

now all i have to do it figure out how to worm enough money out of my dad :shifty:

but if i'm suppose to filter my tank twice an hour can't i just get another fluval 4+ ?

together it would filter 520 gallons an hour, wouldn't it ?

i'm worried about getting a canister filter, they look a bit scary ...

but if i'm getting a canister filter anyway but size tank would be nice for my fluval 4+ ?
I'll be the voice of difference and say to go with two magnum 350 cannisters.
That would be 700 gallons an hour, and almost a 4x turnover, just adequate.

When you look at a filter it will have 2 flow rates one for the pump and one for the filter. Make sure the filtration flow rate is the number you base your purchase on. Alot of brands qoute high flow rates thats becuase they base it on a pump flow not a filter flow. eg a 1200L/h pump running into a filter will only will only flow about 800 l/h out of it.
If you don't want canisters you can go with 2 Emperor 400's. If you can't find them 2 AquaClear 500's (I forget the new name) would be almost as good (IMO).
if you habe the money ehiems are better. there about to bring out the eheim pro III so the pro II will got down in price

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