Fish Fanatic
Here's the list I have now for the 180 gallon that I am planning on getting:
6 Boesemani rainbowfish
20 Zebra danio
20 Harlequin rasbora
10 Swordtails
4 Keyhole Cichlids
4 Blue Rams
30 Cardinal Tetra
15 Diamond Tetra
5 Pearl Gourami
8 clown loach
? cories
? khuli loaches
? bristlenose plecs
I really want to keep sterbai's and adolfo's. Any suggestions on how many? Oh, and if you can suggest numbers for the khuli's and bristlenoses, it'd be appreciated also!
6 Boesemani rainbowfish
20 Zebra danio
20 Harlequin rasbora
10 Swordtails
4 Keyhole Cichlids
4 Blue Rams
30 Cardinal Tetra
15 Diamond Tetra
5 Pearl Gourami
8 clown loach
? cories
? khuli loaches
? bristlenose plecs
I really want to keep sterbai's and adolfo's. Any suggestions on how many? Oh, and if you can suggest numbers for the khuli's and bristlenoses, it'd be appreciated also!