
what kind of live rock do you want 2 get? its not clear for me?
if so.. urll need water (RO is best) heater, power head, a pinch of food now and then. but don't get over excited about critters... you might get none at all.. esp with the little amount or rock you will have... also if u want 2 see stuff grow.. you will need at least some low level of a lighting system. once all readings seem fine.. you could get hermit crab 2 watch maybe :p hehe
hope this helped.
I wouldnt bother about RO water if your not going to have any stock or coral, just use the filtered tap water or dechlorinator, but it will leave you with the chance of more algae, and its a very good chance at that. Speek to your LFS's, they might sell RO water, and they'd probably give you 4g. RO is only beneficial, and its going to help in the batle against new tank algae. But, as stated, your going to get really bored of this set up if its not really decent LR, but to get around that buy your LR at the LFS so you can see what your getting. :good: . Its going to need a powerhead, a heater, and some form of lighting. Add some fish food to add an ammonia source for the creatures there. You wont need to cycle it, just leave it in the tank, thats where it will cycle, if its been in the LFS for a while, it should already have gone through most of its dieoff. In the future you could add some clean up crew, your going to get algae, and your not going to be able to reach areas in the tank to clean it. :nod:
I wouldnt bother about RO water if your not going to have any stock or coral, just use the filtered tap water or dechlorinator, but it will leave you with the chance of more algae, and its a very good chance at that. Speek to your LFS's, they might sell RO water, and they'd probably give you 4g. RO is only beneficial, and its going to help in the batle against new tank algae. But, as stated, your going to get really bored of this set up if its not really decent LR, but to get around that buy your LR at the LFS so you can see what your getting. :good: . Its going to need a powerhead, a heater, and some form of lighting. Add some fish food to add an ammonia source for the creatures there. You wont need to cycle it, just leave it in the tank, thats where it will cycle, if its been in the LFS for a while, it should already have gone through most of its dieoff. In the future you could add some clean up crew, your going to get algae, and your not going to be able to reach areas in the tank to clean it. :nod:

What he said :good:
If there's any near you, a few rockpool critters may make good additions. They're hardy as can be, what with the ever-flunctuating conditions, and obviously, they're free.
Anyone in the UK ever put rockpool critters in their tank ?

Do they need a quarantine first ?

What kind of stuff is in UK rock pools that would look any good in a tank ?
I have about 2Kgs of IOW (Bembridge) sand in my DSB dug from the sand flat at lowest tide of the year. This had a manor of critters in. Also got some small Welks and limpets.

They had there own tank with NSW for about 2 weeks in that time the temp was risen and small WC's were done with tank water from my reef.

I know Aquascraper had some shrimp from a UK rockpool in his tank.

Also cheak this out>CLICK ME
the link for the rockpool tank has got me all excited!!!

I have a couple of small tanks floating round witing for me to get inspired.......

so....... I have the spare equipment to make a tide system and the tanks are ready to use....

Tonight my husband and me are going to set it all up and tomorrow we're off to the beach!!!!!!

Impulsive I know but if it all goes pear shaped I love the idea that we can take it all back to the beach.
NP peep's just remember that they living things and they deserve the best conditions and so if you can't provide them then I would condone this type of self collection.

Just a note on the anemones. There breeding pattern focuses around the ware currents from the gulf stream and if elevated temp's occur in the home aquarium then this would set them into breeding mode. Now whether this is by mitosis (splitting in half) or sexual I don't know but I've read this in a mag recently and the guys tank is now swamped with them.

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