16 Gallon Tank


New Member
Feb 9, 2007
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how many swordtails could i put in a 16 gallon tank. the only fish in there would be the swordtails and i would have them in a male to felame ratio of 1:2. one male for every two females.
I wouldn't go with more than four, because you are talking about fish that grow to about 4" in size, but they are pretty active swimmers on top of that. You also have to consider the fry that are going to be in the tank as well if you have males and females. It would quickly become crowded.
It also depends on the type of swordtail. Some grow larger than others.
What do you mean dispose of the fry? Why get males and females at all? That's pretty irresponsible to have livebearers and toss out fry.
What do you mean dispose of the fry? Why get males and females at all? That's pretty irresponsible to have livebearers and toss out fry.
not really, I know a few cichlid/reef owners that raise live bearers to feed to their "pet" fish...and one fellow used to have some sharp guppies....they usually set up a 20 gallon and do a 2 to 1 ratio and let nature take its course.

Most breeders "cull" their fish, and it is also not a good idea to let the population grow to large in a 16 gallon tank. So yes, it sounds cruel, but culling is a part of the hobby.

but tossing fish down a drain is cruel, but i am sure that isnt what that person meant ( but i at least hope not)
I was under the impression that tossing the fish down the drain is what was mentioned. You can let the fish eat the fry, but that's never 100% guaranteed, and then when the tank is filling up, you'd better hope you have someone to give the fish away to for hopefully decent keeping.
Yes, if your tank is going to be planted fry will survive. I would see if any of your lfs either buy or take fry off your hands.

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