15g Tank For Brackish Set Up


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2006
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I have a 15G tank all set up for figure 8 puffers having done quite a bit of research i have found 20g to be the minimum I am running two filters with it fluval 1 and 2 for extra filtaration plus a lot of hiding places and plenty plastic plants.

Would it be okay for the F8 puffers to go into the tank for a maximun of 6mths until i look at changing my vision 260 to a species tank.

i would be looking to add two - three puffers.

Personally i would be inclined to keep just the one in the 15G then add a couple more when you upgrade,
multiple puffers in a small tank will rarely work as they will constantly nip and chase each other,
With my F8s I find that they live together providing they each have sufficient room. 15G for 3 isn't sufficient. I have 2 in a 120L tank and certainly wouldn't put any more than that in. Mine is filtered for 1500l/h turnover from an internal and external filter as they are very messy fish. Have a look through the brackish section as there's lots of info on F8s and their requirements in there.

I wouldn't get the puffers until I had a big enough tank that was fully cycled, but that's just me.
Assuming you have good filtration, ie an external, not internal power heads as my Fig8s dont like getting blown about. You could do 2 in that tank for sometime until they grow up a bit then move them on. Or do one Fig8 and some Wasp Fish or Gobies
I had two in one tank...a 15 gal too, and they were fine with each othe...but they were very messy and i gave one away in the end...it got to like 3.5 inches, whils the other stayed at 2 inch....
Id go with what Dark Entity said, grow them up in it then move them on :good:
Thanks for the replys my filtration is fluval 2 and a fluval 1 will this be enough as i don't really want to have to purchase any more filters if possible.

I have an external tetratec ex1200 on my vision 260 which I have to say is excellent, what is the smallest external that I could use on my 15g and what would be the average cost of this?
Thanks for the replys my filtration is fluval 2 and a fluval 1 will this be enough as i don't really want to have to purchase any more filters if possible.

I have an external tetratec ex1200 on my vision 260 which I have to say is excellent, what is the smallest external that I could use on my 15g and what would be the average cost of this?

As ive said, my Fig8s were very unhappy with a power head in the tank, once i put an external on they were far far more active. They seem not to like being blown about at all.

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