15G Ideas


Fish Addict
Mar 4, 2009
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Anyone got any ideas for a 15g (2x1x1)

Possible a single fish with good personality.

Do bubble-eye goldfish grow smaller than others? Could I have 1 if its over-filtered (700lph)
Or Female Bettas with / without corys? 3 DPs?
No goldfish, it's too small, I'd go for a pair of dwarf cichlids, some tetras and cory's, I think Betta's are boring to be honest, I wouldn't ever buy one again.
Ok, no goldfish. I was just wondering as I read bubble-eyes only grow to 5 inches.

i like your idea, but my water is hard, and ph 8.0, but it's an option. Looking for something a bit different really, more unusual.
Shell dwelling cichlids?

Or for a single fish a red eye puffer?
Neolamprologus multifasciatus?

Ooh, I like them! How much do they cost?

Not sure about a single puffer, get the feeling I might not see it that often.
Dwarf gourami? You'd need a really well matured filter though as they can be sensitive .
Dwarf gourami? You'd need a really well matured filter though as they can be sensitive .

Had 2 before and they died.. what do you think a group of 6 would like like?
Anyone got any ideas for a 15g (2x1x1)

Possible a single fish with good personality.

Do bubble-eye goldfish grow smaller than others? Could I have 1 if its over-filtered (700lph)

If you're only wanting one fish then you could add plants to fill it in.

You can try going here and plugging in parameters. http://www.aqua-fish.net/index.php?cur_lang=2&count=no&secured=&section=2&find=0

You can also add fish here and size it up. http://aqadvisor.com/AqAdvisor.php?AquTankName=15G&AquListBoxTank=Choose&AquTankLength=24&AquTankDepth=12&AquTankHeight=12&AquListBoxFilter=Aqua+One+Aquis+700&AquTextFilterRate=60.7+&AquListBoxFilter2=Choose&AquTextFilterRate2=N%2FA+&AquFilterString=&AquTextBoxQuantity=&AquTextBoxRemoveQuantity=&FormSubmit=<+Remove&AquListBoxSelected=1+x+Bumblebee+Catfish+SA+(Microglanis+Iheringi)&AlreadySelected=200912011163%3A1%3A%3A&FilterMode=Display+only+suitable+species+for+your+tank&AqTempUnit=F&AqVolUnit=gUS&AqLengthUnit=inch&AqSortType=cname&FilterQuantity=2&AqJuvMode=&AqSpeciesWindowSize=short&AqSearchMode=simple
A dwarf puffer or 2 but planted well never had one but heard and read that they like to interact with humans more and see whats going on outside of the tank. Also follow your finger lol and can bite :p. Neolamprologus multifasciatus (shell dwellers) are easy to breed and not bad looking fish but never had them. I don't know where abouts you're but someone in Doncaster is breeding and selling them on ebay. They finished for 99p for 4 1-2 cm shell dwellers. He is also including delivery at £9.00.

Or you could go for these Neolamprologus LELUIPI these are really nice tangyikan cichlids. Here is a link of someone selling 5 on ebay finishing in 16 hours:

Hope this helps :)

EDIT: The Neolamprologus LELUIPI read that they do need 20g minimum.

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