150G Tank For Lionfish Etc


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I;ve got a 60x30x24" tank in the garage which is not too pretty but a decent size. It has 9 piranhas in there at the moment but I have the marine bug now!!

Seffies thread reminded me I;ve always wanted a lionfish

How bout in this tank some live rock and my existing large external filter and stocking of a volitans lionfish, a moray maybe snowflake unless better suggestions and a porcupine puffer?

could i keep anything else interestin in there?

This won;t be a coral style tank as I;m doing that small scale and will get a bigger tank for a reef in the near future
Would of thought 150g tank would support a few large fish.

So long as the fish arnt small when added I would assume they will be ok housed together.
Rememer no inverts at all though (except feeder shrimp)
:hyper: oh you lucky devil - a porkie of your own, i'm so very jealous

Seffie x

ha ha its your thread that got me thinking

do externals work ok in marine tanks? and would it be worthwhile having some live rock to act in support?

only wondering bout that as the calculator says 70 odd kilos required which would cost a fair bit lol
well aim for 1kg of live rock per 8-10L

which makes 70 odd kilos.. going to be costly.

my thought was though if this was to be a tank with probably messy predators can you use a large external filter as well. if so i could use the one i have and maybe fork out for less live rock

just a thought
yes simon instead of having lots of lr in the tank have lots of lr rubble in the filters and some in the tank id say the externals must be suetable for the tank because of the rbp so if you have them full of lr rubble (in the trays still obv) and have say 30-40kg of live rock in the main (you could probably get away with less lr or even no lr in the main tank but id be safe as i had a dwarf lion and a shortfin lion and they are messy) external filters do run fine on marine aslong as you dont have sponge in them as all they are then are nitrate factorys

in fact i have one on my marine just to be sure
fantastic cheers for that sounds like a plan for the summer!!! :good:
thinking more and more of this at the moment

as well as a volitans, snowflake moray and porcupine puffer is there anything else I could add

are angels, triggers or tangs compatrible with the above fish?

cheers Simon
Big and fast I think is the name of the game.
I can't imagine anything messing with a trigger if he's a biggun, tangs I don't know a great deal about but they get big and are fast :)
Not being a fan of FO but not sure I would mix tangs or Triggers with Volitans as they are usually quote slow where as the others are very fast swimmers you would definatly have to target feed the lion fish imo but like I said not really my field.

Just my two pence I think you might regret going down the FO route when you cant have all them nice Corals in the shop window

Imo Just go full Reef :good:
BIG reef tank with schools of fish and pinnicles of coral covered rock towering over bays of pristine white sand.

Ahem, I haven't dreamt of that before, I swear.
i believe he is getting a big reef in the near future so a predator tank would be cool. i do agree that reefs are better though :D .

if i had the money, i would definitely get a scorpion fish. they may be costly but they look really cool.

i imagine you could keep larger groupers in with these fish, like a panther grouper.

do be careful with the volitans though, those barbs are poisonous :crazy:

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