15 Gallon Planted Shrimp+Neon Tank


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Hello! My first plan to get a 50 gallon tank didn't work out, so I decided to make a 15 Gallon heavily planted tank.

Fish stock:
Red Cherry Shrimp (x20)
Green Neon Tetra (x10)

Layout will (hopefully) be:

The shrimp will be from someone on Aquabid. The neons will be from rfitropicalfish.com. The plants will be from aquariumplants.com

Tank Dementions: 24"x12"x12"
Substrate: Fluval Plant Stratum
CO2: Fluval 88 CO2 Kit
Lighting: Not sure (need suggestions)

Thanks for looking!
Lighting you really want around a 20watt lamp tbh. Will you be dosing any fertilizers? Also its good that your putting the lily next to the rock so the overall focal point wont be dead centre. What lph (litres per hour) is your filter as HC needs good flow? Are you quite experienced with plants as you may need higher light to get a decent carpet from the Hairgrass without waiting a life time?
Lighting you really want around a 20watt lamp tbh. Will you be dosing any fertilizers? Also its good that your putting the lily next to the rock so the overall focal point wont be dead centre. What lph (litres per hour) is your filter as HC needs good flow? Are you quite experienced with plants as you may need higher light to get a decent carpet from the Hairgrass without waiting a life time?

I might be dosing ferts, but since I don't have much experience with them I am going to me looking into them some more. My filter is 340 lph, but that's on full power, which might not be good with lot of plants since it shoots out the water pretty fast. At minimum we would be looking at 140 lph.

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