15 Gallon Nano Reef Journal


Aug 10, 2007
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I've had this small tank in my garage for a while and finally want to do something with it.





what do you guys think about this.
How about trying to use the tank as a sump for your main tank? It would raise your total water capacity to approx 39 gallons if I'm correct? ;)
How about trying to use the tank as a sump for your main tank? It would raise your total water capacity to approx 39 gallons if I'm correct? ;)
not a bad idea or i could use my ten gallon. ive got to many empty fish tanks to count. Ive got to do something with them. And how would i add that as a sump into my tank.
Well drilling a few holes would have done it but as your tank is already set-up then that aint really much of an option unless u fancy emptying it all out first and setting it all up again after!!!

Or how about an over-flow box at the back... dont really know if your lid will allow you to do so, you might have to come up with a mod that works for you! ;)
Sorry to hijack your thread but can I ask whats the name of the tool you used to punch those drain slits on the top of your false wall?

The tank I just purchased has a similar false wall but the powerhead Im using is too powerful I think. I need to punch a couple more slits to make it drain better.

Unless any of you (including the author have a better solution).

Sorry to hijack your thread but can I ask whats the name of the tool you used to punch those drain slits on the top of your false wall?

The tank I just purchased has a similar false wall but the powerhead Im using is too powerful I think. I need to punch a couple more slits to make it drain better.

Unless any of you (including the author have a better solution).

If you want to know the truth i tested on a small peice of acrylic with the heads that i thought would work. But the best one was a 1/4 inch Drill bit. I made a line of holes that matched the lengh of my Nanocube and then would put the drill bit in the hole with my Dremel and dragged the bit from hole to hole.But it burns the bit up really bad. The original wall was made with lexan but i got my hands on some acrylic which it just way to easier to cut.
Looking good mate. So have you decided what you plan to do with it/ keep in it?
I think it will be a reef tank/ jawfish tank. I think a found a light strong enough for all corals. Could i do sps with pc lights? I would have 96 watts altogether or 6.4wpg.
i like the jawfish idea.hmm i dont know about the lighting for sure im a beginner to this stuff but seems like every recommends a high wattage halide.Which they dont cost to much if u get the 100-400 watt.If i can find the website in a few minutes ill give you a link to a place where you can get one for like 70-90 dollars.and have alot of watts

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