15 gallon nano pic


Mar 1, 2004
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I have gotten my nano to a point of confidence were I am ready to start getting serious. This is what I have so far.

Let me know what you think I should do from here.
I keep two fish in the tank, a Rainford's Gobie and a Six Line Wrasse. The only other mobile creatures are an emerald crab, brittle stars, and assorted snails.
The Rainford's is to keep the plants somewhat in check and the Wrasse eats the flat worms and bristle worms. Other than that I don't have much of a want for fish. Oh, I guess I do have a 4 stripe damsel in the 10 gallon below, a friend bought it and decided he hated it a few weeks later and gave it to me. The damsel up until a few days ago had spent most of its life in darkness, not to mention I had around 30 pounds of live rock packed in there for a few months. Ever try packing 30 pounds of lettus and Fugi rock in a ten gallon? I was really quite shocked when every now and then I would see him squirming his way across the front of the tank.
u think thats bad. A guy i know was moving and he coudnt put his 75 in the new house yet so he had to put about 80 pounds of lr in a 20 gallon. That was packed. I think it would be better with no plants unless u have a tang wcich u dont.
Well, the plants help with my water quailty and to put a tang in a 15 gallon reef really is not something I would want to do, not to mention it would eat all of the plants. I do like having it look like a natural reef in the fact that reefs do have plants growing on and around them. The Rainford's Gobie does help out with keeping it from over taking and from time to time I pull the plant and sell it back to the LFS. Got to go, my son needs a ride to his mothers place.
Wow, that looks great! I love those Rainford's gobies, I almost got one instead of my purple firefish.
I love that cube! What temperature lights are you keeping it under?

I am on the lookout for some Rainsfords gobies for the new tank. I have a hectors goby at the moment and he is an awesome little devil!
I have a 65 watt coralife power compact with the built in moon lights on the 15, I drilled the 15 and have a 10 gallon underneth with a 96 watt coralife power compact on that. I put an Via-Aqua skimmer with UV on the back of the 10 gallon and use the ten gallon to propagate in, as well as a refugium. Right now I have waving xiena comming out my ears. Once I get rid of them I want to try something new with my zooanthids. I have been collecting sand stones of all types (which G.A.R.F. has told me they love) and plan on zoo farm'in.

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