15 Gallon... Betta Sorority?.. A Possible Option.


Feb 1, 2009
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So, I've got a recently emptied 15 gallon tank. I'm replacing the awful incandescent lighting and old crummy hood on it with a flourescent light and new hood.

I've always wanted to do a betta sorority tank. At the rate that my plants are growing in my 46 gallon, I will have plenty of clippings to plant the 15 gallon. It'll be a while before I set the tank up (It won't be done til Mid-August as I've gotta get my 46 gallon to where I want it first).

Would this tank be an appropriate size for a betta sorority?
How many females could I keep in the tank?
Any preference on plants for them?
Any problem with a sand substrate?
What kind of bottom dweller could I have in with them? (Corys?)
Would they be okay with otocinclus catfish for algae control?

Obviously, I'd be adding them all at once, and picking females of about the same size...

**EDIT: Tank is a 15 gallon LONG.

Would this tank be an appropriate size for a betta sorority?

Yes,nice and big

How many females could I keep in the tank?

Would say a max.of10, min of 6

Any preference on plants for them?

Elodea Densa, Amazon swords, Vallis Vallisneria, Echinodorus, Cabomba, moss balls.......mainly softer plants, as they like to swim in them,under them and hide in them.

Any problem with a sand substrate?

IMO, sand is better for them, as they like to rest along the bottom, rest under plants and they do occasionally dig in the sand. They also like pebbles, try building an area ontop of the sand with lots of big pebbles, they like to hide in them.

What kind of bottom dweller could I have in with them? (Corys?)

Hit and miss with corys, I would say but I am sure if you get about 6 corys, with hiding places, they will beok.

Would they be okay with otocinclus catfish for algae control?

Yes to the catfish,not sure what you mean about algae control? Bettas are not good for that, however, if you decided to add 7 Amano shrimp, they would be ok with that. Bettas are good with BN plecs too and apple snails
On the plants:
I've currently got:
Hygrophila (I think it's polysperma.. not entirely certain, but it's fairly small leaves)
Hygrophila corymbosa (the giant hygro)
Wisteria in my 46 gallon. I figured I'd take clippings of those to plant the potential sorority. Would these be okay?

On the otos:
Algae is a big problem in my house. I don't know why, but regardless of my water stats, I've always got algae. I was recommended a few otos from a friend of mine who has a similar issue (I think it's the local water that's the problem). My otocinclus I've got are AMAZING at keeping my glass spotless. Obviously I feed them regular food as well, but they are amazing for keeping my plants and glass algae free. A BN Plec needs a bigger tank IMO than 15 gallons. I'd feel guilty keeping it in a tank that size.... and as for Amano shrimp; those little guys cost a LOT more than otos in my area.
Seriously,the shrimp cost more? I got 3 for £6 GBP :crazy:

Yeah plecs are too big for that tank. They'd be fine with otos
Canada.... the ONLY store I can get Amanos at sells Otos for 3.00 each or 4 for $10.00..... amanos are 3.00 each, no deal on multiples.
I'm actually emptying two tanks... my 10 gallon is being emptied completely, guppies rehomed and corys moved to my 46 so that it can be used as a hospital. And the 15 gallon's previous inhabitants are in my 46 gallon. The 15 gallon... I considered Dwarf Puffers, Shell-dwellers, Lots of male bettas (divided into 2.5 gallon sections)..... but I've always wanted a Female Betta Sorority. Ever since I first set up the tank I've wanted one. And a week or so ago, seeing a few gorgeous coloured females, brought back that want.

I like to plan my tanks far in advance before I actually start them now though... so that I know exactly what I'm going to do, how I want it to look, what'll go into it... etc.

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