15 days into fishless and no nitrite or nitrate?


New Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Nashille TN(Middle Tennesse State University)
i have a 55 gal us, heated 79 Deg F., eheim 2213 filter, tahitian moon silica sand, 2 shale rocks, spray bar causes bubbles and surface agitation, ph is 8, amonia 5+. water dechlorinated twice in two weeks(1/20 and 2/1)

this is what i have as of today. it seems to me most people have had nitrite by now and im wondering if something is wrong?

any ideas?

Sounds like you just have a slow cycle going on there. Patience and it should come around eventually.
The ammonia is far too high and could well have killed all your beneficial bacteria!! Do a water change of about 50% to try and bring it down!!
In a fishless cycle (gulp... I'm assuming it's a fishless cycle :*) ) an ammonia reading of 5 pmm is not excessive. Also, again in a fishless cycle, you can turn up the heat to anywhere between 86 and 95 degrees as this is the optimal temp range for both nitrosomonas and nitrobacter and will thus speed up the cycling time.

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