Is now at University! :D
Livestock: Rummynose Tetras
Quantity for sale: 13
Reason for Sale: Doing a bit of a switch around
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £15? Offers or part exchanges may be considered
Postage & Packaging: N/a
Location: Sheffield
Livestock: Honey Gourami
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Doing a bit of a switch around
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: Free to good home, though an exchange for floating plants would be great if you had any.
Postage & Packaging: N/a
Location: Sheffield
There are limited possibilities for collection. This coming Saturday or Sunday should be ok. But after then it'll be a fortnight before the next possible collection date, which would be Saturday or Sunday again.
Quantity for sale: 13
Reason for Sale: Doing a bit of a switch around
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: £15? Offers or part exchanges may be considered
Postage & Packaging: N/a
Location: Sheffield
Livestock: Honey Gourami
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: Doing a bit of a switch around
Delivery or Collection: Collection only
Sales price: Free to good home, though an exchange for floating plants would be great if you had any.
Postage & Packaging: N/a
Location: Sheffield
There are limited possibilities for collection. This coming Saturday or Sunday should be ok. But after then it'll be a fortnight before the next possible collection date, which would be Saturday or Sunday again.