12g Nano, What Fish Possibilities


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, would I be looking at 2 small fish in a 12g nano cube? Would I be able to keep a peacock mantis in it without the fish?

would a skimmer be helpful - there are some other 12g nanos out there with built in skimmers e.t.c.

My guess is Mantis Shrimp, like other inverts, don't create a lot of waste. However, the food they eat is very meaty and can easily foul the water.

As to two fish for a 12-gallon - your best bet is a goby (cleaner, watchmen, or clown) and a "something else" (Chromis, Yellowtail Blue Damsel, Ocellaris Clown, Percula Clown, Assessor, Basslet, Pseudochromis, or the smaller Wrasses, Hawkfish, Blennies, or Cardinals).

I wouldn't put more than one of the "something else" group in, with two possible exceptions. You could probably put in a small school of Chromis (3) if you had nothing else, or a mated pair of Clownfish if you put in nothing else.
A skimmer is always helpful from what I've read so if you can afford it buy it, but can't really help, Ski probably could since he's keeping mantis shrimp soon.

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