125L Or 350L?

salty dave

New Member
Jan 23, 2012
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Hi everyone,
I came across this site while researching a nano marine setup (some excellent journals).I have a freshwater 350L running at the moment.My previous tank was a rio 125 which I gave to my brother but he wasn't too dedicated so I have it back now and empty.My first thoughts were a sumpless nano,then a sumped nano and now I'm considering selling it and breaking down my freshwater and sumping that for marine!!.I find I'm losing interest in my cichlids and severums just reading the marine journals.I figure I may aswell just go with the 350L as I know myself I will want a bigger tank as soon as I start it!! (been there done that with the freshwater!!)I will have to change the rio 300's cabinet around to take a sump but I reckon I can manage that no problem,drill tank(I'm thinking calfo method).The rio 300 has a T5 Hi-Lite to get me started whereas the 125 has T8s.I 'm looking forward to the setting up but I will take my time.I build industrial RO's for the pharma industry for a living so I hope that will be to my advantage.I'm sure I'll annoy you's with loads of questions......

Welcome to the salty side (almost) :good:

I don't think anyone here will debate you against using the 350L :p It would be a wonderfully big and great tank to start with!
If you're researching weir/drilling designs, be sure to look up durso standpipes too.

PS: We like questions here!
Welcome to the salty side (almost) :good:

I don't think anyone here will debate you against using the 350L :p It would be a wonderfully big and great tank to start with!
If you're researching weir/drilling designs, be sure to look up durso standpipes too.

PS: We like questions here!

Thanks Nemo :good:
I have read your journal (75g) and it's very impressive.The pipework is very similar to the way I want to do mine.Do your overflows make much noise with the durso at the back???

No, very quiet in my opinion, the only real noise is the occasion large bubble noise from water entering the sump, not figured out why it does that but it doesn't bother me. Even if I take the caps off, it's still pretty quiet.
Sorry to Hijack, but steph does your drain line go strait to sump or does it 90 around a little... I only ask because mine used to go straight down to sump and occasionally would be rather loud but now that it 90's twice on the way to the sump its way quieter. ... i guess for you Salty Dave its just one more thing to consider with your plumbing.

And now so its not a complete hijack....

As for size of Tank, definitely just go with the 350L its a nice size to start out with :p occasionally i wish i hadn't bought a new tank for my setup would have done things a little different... but don'e get me wrong i luvs my tank. When it comes to sumps i definitely recommend checking out http://www.melevsreef.com/29g/sump/design.html this is just the page google linked me to but tons of info on the site. And before you Drill your tank, make sure it can be drilled... as in not tempered glass... probably something you already know but still worth mentioning.

oh yeah..

Welcome to the Salty Side

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