125G Stocking - Twig Catfish?


New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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I've been really interested in the twig catfish, and would like to add one to my 125 gallon - but I'm afraid I've already or am very close to reaching my stocking limits.

Current residents:
3 BRP (2 juvies, 1 adult)
3 kribensis (1 juvie male, 1 adult male, 1 juvie female.. removing juvie male soon™)
1 juvie green severum
1 adult BGK

Do you think a twig catfish would fit, or should I stop while I'm ahead? I wouldn't say the tank is WELL planted, but I have a giant anubias, a few vals, and 2 swords (I think?) - plenty of driftwood as well.

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Hi few things to consider with twig catfish when mixing them, one they can be easily out competed for food and as a result starve quite quickly which is the main problem and also when mixing them with more aggressive fish they can become quite shy and retreating.

What dimensions are your tank? IMO your not fully stocked yet. Also what are BRP? Blood Red Parrots?

Hi few things to consider with twig catfish when mixing them, one they can be easily out competed for food and as a result starve quite quickly which is the main problem and also when mixing them with more aggressive fish they can become quite shy and retreating.

What dimensions are your tank? IMO your not fully stocked yet. Also what are BRP? Blood Red Parrots?


Yes, blood red parrots. I'm a bit concerned now about them being out competed for food, mainly because the BRPs (the big one anyway) chase everything that sinks. I already have to try and shoo her away when trying to feed the BGK. There is a fair amount of algae in there, though. The tank is 6 foot long, 22" high, and 18" wide.
yeah have to admit I would worry about them quite a few of those fish are pushy and it is quite common for it to happen I think usually its best to plan the other fish taking into account as a priority rather than add them to cichlid comm tank.

As far as stocking goes I would think you have a fair amount of room to add fish. I mean your sev and BGK are your really big fish at about a foot each then 2 kribs about 4 inches each and 3 BRP which can vary depending on genes (personally I dont like them not sure on max size) but I am pretty sure you have room to add to this tank with things like interesting catfish or loaches and big barbs and characins - you could do a nice group of Clown Loaches in there or a massive group of yoyo loaches. Tons of plec options, royals would be awesome L190 or sunny plecs L14. Pictus Catfish, Hoplos, Jaguar Catfish but dont go for real monsters like shovel noses. You could do a school of dension barbs or congo tetras..... all sorts really
Okay, I think I'll ditch the twig catfish - thanks so much for the advice!! I believe I've avoided a disaster. I think I'll look into some fancy plecs instead ;)

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Yeah there are tons of nice fancy ones :) and in your tank your limits are much bigger than most peoples....well you should still avoid Adonis Plecs lol but IMO anything 10-11 inch max would be good in your tank :) Since most of your fish have a mix of red/greens I reckon a nice pair of Royal plecs or water melons would look good in there :)

Just a thought but your choice have you thought about swapping your BRP for true blood parrots? Google them and see they are pretty nice and not man made hybrids. Im not flaming but BRPs really annoy me, not just because of the hybrid stuff but also because of the unpredictability of them with regards size temperament etc I just worry that they can mess up tanks sometimes.
Yeah there are tons of nice fancy ones :) and in your tank your limits are much bigger than most peoples....well you should still avoid Adonis Plecs lol but IMO anything 10-11 inch max would be good in your tank :) Since most of your fish have a mix of red/greens I reckon a nice pair of Royal plecs or water melons would look good in there :)

Just a thought but your choice have you thought about swapping your BRP for true blood parrots? Google them and see they are pretty nice and not man made hybrids. Im not flaming but BRPs really annoy me, not just because of the hybrid stuff but also because of the unpredictability of them with regards size temperament etc I just worry that they can mess up tanks sometimes.

I understand your dislikeness of BRPs, but personally I love them dearly. I had 3 BRPs as my first fish ever, before I really knew anything or that they were even hybrids. I bought them because they always look like they're smiling and happy. All the ones I've had had wonderful, bubbly personalities. They all grew to about the same size for me after three and a half years of keeping them (a bit larger than my hand). Sadly, I got lazy and stopped testing the water, so when a ton of brine shrimp were caught in the intake the water quality took a turn for the worse and I lost two BRPs. I was absolutely devastated, and waited about 2 months before deciding I needed more BRPs. I know that hybrids aren't really the best choice, but I love them like they're my dogs/cats/babies. I could never trade them away. Perhaps later on when I have another large tank, I'll try something different :). Sorry for rambling, but they aren't just things in a tank to look at to me ^^

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No no I totally understand and I really wasnt getting at you, totally understand about the fish everyone has their favorites and I totally get the pet thing. I just wish my fish would behave long enough to get attached to lol
Lol!! Thanks so much again for your suggestions I'll be sure to post again when I get what I decide on :)

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