I wanna add some ottocinclus in my 125 gallons tank but I need to know how many can I add.
Right now I have 4 Perl Gouramies, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 serpae tetras, 1 big molly 1 big swordtail female, 7 platties, 4 Australian rainbows, 1 siamese algae eater, 6 corys 5 yoyo loaches . Can I add some ottocinclus? And if I can how many can I add ?
Right now I have 4 Perl Gouramies, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 serpae tetras, 1 big molly 1 big swordtail female, 7 platties, 4 Australian rainbows, 1 siamese algae eater, 6 corys 5 yoyo loaches . Can I add some ottocinclus? And if I can how many can I add ?