120L Low Tech Journal/new Scape


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2010
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Hi all 

So I have been toying with the idea of completely rescaping my current tank to something a bit more natural, I get the impression with it sometimes that everything is just there and randomly placed without any thought for future growth etc. Probably in my naivety back when I hadn't done as much research compared to now.
So I have done quite an extensive amount of research since I began a planted tank about a year ago so thought I would create a journal over the upcoming weeks/months and get some advice and thoughts :)

Here is a current pic of my tank.

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So it is a Roma 125 with an aquamanta efx300 external filter and 2 T8 lights with the following stock;

3 Dwarf Honey Gouramis (2 female and 1 male)
1 Mega Clown Pleco - my personal favourite but he doesn't come out of his hiding spot very much!
8 Cardinal Tetras
4 Glowlight Tetras (I had some others but that was over a year ago now)
8 Leopard Cories

I would tend to think that I am pretty much fully stocked (thoughts?) which is fine, I am not necessarily on the look out for anymore fish unless something catches my eye! No doubt it probably will now 

What I am keen to do is have a bit of a rescape and go down a bit of a different route. I am keen to keep low tech, no co2 and just daily fert dosing. I currently dose easy carbo everyday which my plants seem to like, they don't necessary flourish loads but they do there best!

My idea is to keep with the larger piece of bogwood on the left hand side and essentially build it up from that. I have dozens and dozens of plants and combos going around in my head that I have been looking at which not too sure what direction to take from here. I have had good success with using crypts in my tank, I currently have some crypt wendtii which I would like to keep and probably add too. I have tried having some sort of carpet plant before but it didn't really go well and my cories pretty much ripped it all up. I'd be keen to add some anubias to my tank, particularly onto the bogwood to liven it up a tad.
I was thinking about some larger style crypts for the back of my tank, one of them being Cryptocoryne spiralis. I have been looking to buy some xl mother plants online but struggling to find much that is already rather large and in stock. I would also like some more smaller crypts to fill a lot of spaces - especially as I have had good success with them before, seems sensible to stick with them really.

Other ideas that I have been throwing around are;

Eleocharis - been thinking of getting some sort of larger version to spread across the back of the tank and some smaller species to spread across the foreground but not everywhere, mainly in the bottom left hand corner. My plan is to keep the left hand side heavily planted and then let it become less and less planted the further towards the right hand side I go. I haven't had much luck withEleocharis in the past but I might have to do some research on this species of plant. I would like to get some sort of smaller area of carpet for this as a lot of other small carpet plants have been ripped up by my cories in the past - most of them were of wire mesh pads.

I've seen many of tanks with the Lilaeopsis species and always wanted to try it. Unfortunately am I right in thinking that this is a fairly high light plant? I want to try and keep as low tech as possible, ferts yes but no co2.

I quite like Blyxa japonica and wouldn't mind sticking this somewhere.

I will get some anubias to tie on my bogwood, I need to do some research about planting and tieing this to my bogwood but hopefully this shouldn't be too difficult. Might try the same with some java fern too.

I'd appreciate any suggestions and thoughts...the more the merrier 
 I will try to order some plants this weekend and take it there and keep uploading lots of pictures!
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Hi all,
So it's been a while and unfortunately I haven't managed to make as much progress on my tank as I would have liked but below are some ongoing photos;
Whole Tank

Left Hand Side

Right Hand Side

So I have managed to add some more plants, I've added some java fern to the main piece of bogwood and have planted some echinodorus parviflorus to the back left of the tank, one piece doesn't have very long roots so it's just floating around at the moment until it grows better
I've also bought some hygrophilia corymbosa thailand and crypt nevelli but a bit unsure of where to stick them...I was going to plant the hygrophillia at the back in the middle and then move all of the crypts into the middle of the tank to create some sort of spreading.
What do you think? Any suggestions?
I will try to get some more pics up sooner once I have planted my remaining plants.
Hi Ri-za, I like your tank!  I think it's going to look great with all the new plants.
With regard to your stocking, my first thought was that you seem quite lightly stocked, at least with regards to the small fish, not sure how the pleco affects your stocking quota though as I have no experience with plecos!
I love the piece of wood on the left with those twisty branches.  It's a beautiful piece, really adds a lot to the tank.  I can't help feeling it's upside down though!  I wonder what it would look like resting on the thicker branches with the thinner branches stretching up across the tank?
I love your crypts, I'm a big fan of crypts myself.  The wendtii look gorgeous, especially planted around the wood.  I love having some brown crypts in my tank for some colour contrast, like beckettii or undulatus brown.  I'm also planning a new tank and I'm hoping to use Mi Oya and Legroi which are both colourful crypts of varying heights, Mi Oya for the mid-background and Legroi a short foreground crypt.
Cryptocoryne spiralis - is that another name for Crypt balansae?  Love this one, I've got some in my tank but found it a bit more demanding than the 'standard' crypts.  It only really started doing well when I gave it lots of liquid carbon.
By the way if you dose liquid carbon then you are already high tech - like it or not! :)
I think you were right about Lilaeopsis being a harder plant to grow, I know I wouldn't have the guts to try it!
I think I'd stick the hygrophila in the back middle like you said.  Plant them in triangular groups of three rather than in a straight line at the back, this will help them look more natural.
I'd leave the wendtii where they are.  If you want the planting to taper down the right hand side then they are the perfect low plant to stay on that side.  Also they will have good established roots and may melt if you move them!  I would leave them be and add some more crypts on that side for variety, starting with your nevellii; I'd split it into two or three plants and place it in front of the bogwood on each side.
Have you got plans for a background on the tank?  I'd suggest either solid blue or black to help the plants stand out.
Good work, looking good! 
Looks good. Have you thought about adding some spreading ground cover like microsword? You'd probably have to mix something in with the sand to get it to grow, but a spot of grass would be pretty neat.
Hi all

I haven't been able to get on too much recently unfortunately but thought I'd give an update on my tank as I have now planted my new plants

Here is an overall shot of the tank now;

Left hand side
<a href="http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/ri-za/media/LeftHandSide2_zps94b7a1fe.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a545/ri-za/th_LeftHandSide2_zps94b7a1fe.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo LeftHandSide2_zps94b7a1fe.jpg" style=""></a>
Right hand side
<a href="http://s1283.photobucket.com/user/ri-za/media/RightHandSide2_zpsa79b9a21.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a545/ri-za/th_RightHandSide2_zpsa79b9a21.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo RightHandSide2_zpsa79b9a21.jpg" style=""></a>
Thanks for your help so far though guys

Yeah I think I probably need to up my stocking for the tetras to be honest but just trying to sort out the layouts first before it becomes difficult with more fish. I made sure to only get a small pleco though that will grow 2.5"-3" so that it doesn't produce as much waste compared to say a bristlenose which is also quiet common. Do you think I should add some more fish? If so any suggestions? Don't seem to have much luck with corys though for some reason

Well I've added my java fern to the main piece of bogwood on the left hand side to hopefully add something to it so I will see how it goes for now. So I've also planted my crypts around, wasn't too sure what to do with the smaller ones so left it in the middle for now, will see how it gets on though! Can always change things later on I guess.
I decided to split the hygrophilia up and plant it all around the wood on the right hand side which seems to be doing quite well which is nice, really like this plant so might have to get some more

I have a black background to stick on the back of the tank but haven't yet, need to cut it down to size as its a bit big at the moment!
Hi all

So it has been quite a while since my last update so thought I'd drop some pics for comments and advice

Overall shot

Left hand side

Right hand side

So I have had a bit of a clean out the weekend as my hygrophilia was starting to grow out of the top of the water and my echinodorus parviflorus didn't really work too well!
What do you think? Anything I should add? I'm thinking about trying to get some really dense plants in the back left to bulk it up lots, something like needle leaf java fern (possibly a mother plant) to try and dominate that section and some more crypts as I have always had good success with them!
Not too sure if I can get anymore fish either, I currently have;
3 Dwarf Honey Gouramis (2 female and 1 male)
1 Mega Clown Pleco - hoping that the increase in plants will entice him out a bit!
8 Cardinal Tetras
4 Glowlight Tetras
Thoughts? Thanks
Hi Ri-Za, tank is looking good! I'd possibly suggest something on the left hand side at the back to even it out a bit, apart from that it looks great, possibly some grass as a carpet near the front would like nice too and give it depth?
Also, i'd maybe suggest a solid colour background either blue or black would look really good i think.
Quick question...is your tank actually 120G or 120L? It looks very small for 120G.
Hi FishMonkey, many thanks for your comments. oops, it is 120L, not 120G, bit of a mistype there, how do I go about changing that?
Yeah I want to fill up the back left hand side quite a lot, been thinking of making it into a bit of a massive java fern area with two/three different types to bulk it out.
I've tried various options for a grass affect at the front before and it all just fell apart so not too keen on doing that again I don't think. I've got a black background to stick on it at some point, might try to do that and see what it comes out like.
Any ideas on my stocking or plants to stick at the front? I've still got quite a few pieces of bogwood I could use/swap around. There is actually a piece in the middle but I don't think you can see it!
Hi all,
I was thinking about getting some shrimps but I have read a lot of conflicting information about whether or not my dwarf gouramis would eat them...thoughts?
I have always liked the bottom dwelling fish but haven't had a great deal of success with corys unfortunately! Or would a mate for my pleco be a good option to entice him out a bit?
Sorry but i have no idea how to change a topic subject, i'm guessing you'd need to conact one of the site admins to do it for you. 
I think it would look good with large java fern in that corner.
I've heard that the 'carpet' effect is hard to achieve sometimes, but for those that can get it to work for them it looks great.
As we now know that the tank is 120L and not 120G i think you are probably pretty close to your stocking limits, but i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong, i know daizeUK stated you were lightly stocked, but i'm assuming he was going off the fact that this tank was 120G.
I can't offer any advice on plants i'm afriad, still pretty new to this myself and have only just started introducing my first plants recently.
I can offer advice about the shrimp and dwarf gourami's as i have stocked these together myself, i spend a lot of time staring at my tank everyday and never seen the gourami pay any interest in my shrimp in the slightest, that could be because i over feed them and they aren't hungry enough to actively seek the shrimp out, and this is only my experience with them, i'm sure others have had vastly differing results.
I've managed to get one of the mods to change the topic thankfully :)
Right, so been looking quite a bit up over the last few days, things are never as simple as they seem are they!
I'm going to try and get a large needle java fern mother plant to dominate the back left corner - just got to find one now!
I don't think I will try the carpet idea to be honest, I've spent a fair bit of time and money trying it and I just can't get it to work. I'm thinking of getting some anubias nana to tie onto the bottom parts of the main piece of bogwood and then some more smaller crypts around the entire main piece of bogwood.
Yeah I have heard multiple different stories that people have encountered with keeping gouramis and shrimp together but some have sucseeded  so I might give it a go...now to determine which type and how many!
What do you think I could do with my stocking levels if I rehomed my glowlight tetras so I was left with;
3 Dwarf Honey Gouramis (2 female and 1 male)
1 Mega Clown Pleco - hoping that the increase in plants will entice him out a bit!
8 Cardinal Tetras
Thanks as always :D
Hi all,
So after much deliberation I think I have decided on the plants for my tank which I shall order today and post some more pics when they come :)
Still unsure of future stocking mind you though! I have always been fond of the bottom feeders but have never had any luck with corrys...unsure why though :/ I've had my pleco for nearly a year now but nearly lost all my corrys plus more in that time so don't think I want to go for them.
I quite like the idea of gold ring butterfly sucker/hillstream loach/any other name you know them by but I don't know if my set up is good enough to house them, I have read that they are not as simple to keep healthy compared to other fish. Otherwise I quite like shrimp but what do you reckon would be a good stocking for my tank?
Heya all,
Thought I'd give an update on how the tank looks now with the new plants and shrimp! Pics below;
Entire shot:

Side shot:

Right hand Side:

Left hand side:


Any thoughts or comments welcome
Those are some pretty shrimp! Do you know what kind they are? Pearl blue maybe? 
Many thanks, they were bought as blue jelly shrimp and they seem to be doing quite well for now :)

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