12 new female bettas!


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I acclimated them to my 120 gallon a few hours ago and they all hung out in the corners of the tank for awhile and then started swimming around and flaring at everyone. :p :wub:

But I have this fake plant in one corner and avout 6 of them are wedged in it. I am scared they will get stuck down there and not be able to get to the surface for air. Whenever I put my hand in there to see if they really are stuck, they all scatter and can easily get out. I would just feel terrible if they got stuck down in the plant. Should I remove it or what? :dunno:
They'll be okay.
I was horrified when I first brought Harvey home.
I had one of those crazy plastic spikey plants.
He had nested himself inside it, and I thought he had been skewered so I rushed over and shooed him away from there, and just scared the bajeezus out of him. He was just resting :)

I'd have to say they'll probably be just fine in there.
BettaMomma said:
They'll be okay.
I was horrified when I first brought Harvey home.
I had one of those crazy plastic spikey plants.
He had nested himself inside it, and I thought he had been skewered so I rushed over and shooed him away from there, and just scared the bajeezus out of him. He was just resting :)

I'd have to say they'll probably be just fine in there.
Yea it is one of those plastic plants that point up lol. I hope they'll be okay. I really need to get some more plants and hiding spots. I feel bad that like 7 of them are all trying to hide in one plant lol.

It looks like a female betta christmas tree! the bettas look like the ornaments. :p :lol:
Getting stuck? In a plant? They'll probably be alright.

Good luck :thumbs:

A Betta Christmas Tree.
If it is one of those spiky plants I can just imagine what it looks like.
I bet it's hiLARIous.

BettaMomma said:

A Betta Christmas Tree.
If it is one of those spiky plants I can just imagine what it looks like.
I bet it's hiLARIous.

I wish I could take a picture of them all, but my boyfriend has the digital camera. :(

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