12 Hour Power Outage And The First Snow/blizzard Of Winter!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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::Sigh:: luckily I don't have tomany aquariums! A crazy windstorm knocked out just about everone's power down here for 12 hours and the windstorm turned into the first snow of winter and also the first blizzard (were're talking inches). Fun fun fun. I started out early morning lighting my stove with matches and boiling water to bring my house up from70* to 72-74 and then ran all over town until I found some suitable heatpacks and bought $17 worth (saved some though) and had to cover the tanks with blankets and cover every crack to keep it warm. Luckily everyone made it just fine. Of course when the power came back on I took my dogs out to go potty and locked myself out of the house (except I managed to break into our porch) for an hour in th efreezing cold, but atleast the fish were nice and cozy. :lol:
Sounds like quite an adventure. I'm glad everyone made it out okay.
Haha, oh the joys of winter!
It's been 8 years since our last blizzard, but it wasn't anything compared to the blizzard of '92 - 3 ft of snow, I tell ya! Didn't have any fish at the time though, so I didn't have to worry about power outages.

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