12 gallon nano


Fish Herder
Nov 23, 2004
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As have been read on ohter posts I was going to convert my 20 long into a marine aquarium. Well after posting in reefcentral.com they suggested that it was pointless to take down my freshwater and it would cheaper to just buy another tank. Because of space I only have room for a 12 gallon nano. Can I still keep a pair of clownfish and thats it or just 1 and a goby?
whilst they do have a point i would ask you this.

Once you have this 2nd tank running and the 2 small fish in the tank, do you really honesty feel that you would be content with just that. I know i wouldnt, i would see 2 healthyl clowns and then a person posts up that lovely pccy of a firefish or 6 line wrasse and bamm! i would think "yeah, the tank can take 1 more" . I personaly would recomend you use the 20 gallon, its not much larger but it does give you slightly more scope than the 12 gallon
lol your right... I have to move my clown loaches but you make a good point. Ill go with the 20 gallon.

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