110 Litres Of Learning Curve...


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2010
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...starts here!

I previously kept a 64 litre planted tank (in sig) for about 6 months with reasonable success before deciding that my fish and plants needed a new, bigger home - so enter the Juwel Rekord 800, and a whole new set of challenges, no doubt. The substrate and the lighting will both be quite different to what I was dealing with before, certainly, though I won't be venturing into pressurised CO2 (too scary!).

So, the stats:

Tank - 110 litre Juwel Rekord 800

Filtration - 2 Eheim Aquaball 130's

Lighting - as supplied, 2 x 18W T8. Also 2 x 24 blue LED strips for night viewing

Heating - Deltatherm 150W set to 24.5 C

Substrate - JBL Aquabasis+ with Unipac Senegal sand on top

Decor - bogwood, driftwood and a home made slate cave

Plants - Anubias barterii, Ceratophyllum demersum "Foxtail", Bacopa australis, Echinodorus amazonicus, Echinodorus "Aquartica", Cryptocoryne becketii, Vallisneria "Tiger"

Livestock - Neon tetra, Ember tetra, Harlequin and Espei rasbora, 2 platys, cories (3 Pandas, 2 Peppered and a Sterbai), 1 oto, a few cherry shrimp and 3 Zebra nerite snails.

No ferts or liquid carbon (yet! I was using both of these in my 64L).

I live in a hard water area, pH 8.

I set this up about a month and a half ago and it currently looks like this:


Not really "scaped" yet - more "bunged in" because I needed to swap the contents of the tanks over fairly swiftly :lol: - but it's a start. I've yet to really discover what the growing conditions are like in this tank and what adjustments I'll have to make, so the aesthetics may have to wait for a while. Nothing has died on me so far, and I haven't encountered much algae (a bit of BBA, but nothing worrying), but I want to monitor it for a while to see what thrives/suffers. I have TPN+ and Flourish Excel at the ready if I need them. At the moment, the only thing I'm not particularly excited about is the Bacopa: it grows okay, but it's a bit spindly. Not enough light for a plant like this? I have struggled with stem plants in my previous tank, and that was better lit!

I will no doubt have questions, and comments and suggestions are always welcome! :D
All I can say right now is to consider adding more plants and to, like you said, not worry so much about scaping.

Wow! We must be neighbors, my pH from the tap is 8.4. Sometimes I have to spit out little pebbles when I drink a glass of water.

Why are you scared of pressurized?
Stem plants are strange, in very high lighting they grow bushy and thick and sometimes in not enough light they do the same. I imagine they're just going for the lighting as quick as poss making them look a bit leggy. Keep trimming and they'll bush out rather than up but do it regularly.

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