10gal Journal


Shrimpy Shrimp
Apr 20, 2007
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So got my 10gal hood sorted out, at last! Ne refund, though :( Rubbish. Decided to do a planted tank with some nano fish in it :D

4 Corydoras pygmaeus
2 Corydoras Hastatus
(yes, need more... bought 6 pygmaeus and discovered i had two hastatus, too.)
6 Aplocheilichthys Normani
7 Cherry Shrimp
1 Crystal Red Shrimp

Hopefully I should be able to breed all of these! :D

Tank: 10g deep (10"x20"x12")

Lighting: 1 x 14 watts T8 bulb

CO2: None.

Substrate: sand :blush:

Filtration: HOB with a pair of tights on it haha.

Fertilisation: Nothing

- Cladophora aegagropila (Moss Ball)
- Vesicularia dubyana (Java Moss)
- Anubias Nana
- Taxiphyllum sp. (Flame moss)
- Vesicularia montagnei (Christmas Moss)
- Limnobium laevigatum (Amazon Frogbit)
- Cryptocoryne wendtii

Hardscape: Wood... a huge piece. lol.

gunna have the tank turned 90 degrees so that its deeper, rather then longer, I think it'll look cool and also the heater and filter are hidden if it's this way :D.

Gunna upload some pics in a bit.
Sounds good man :)
Can't wait for pics!
That should be an interesting orientation for the tank. I like the fish choice as well. Sometimes C. pygmaeus and C. hastatus will spawn with their own species if kept together. It's like one encourages the other.

Looking forward to pictures
That should be an interesting orientation for the tank. I like the fish choice as well. Sometimes C. pygmaeus and C. hastatus will spawn with their own species if kept together. It's like one encourages the other.

Looking forward to pictures

awesome! when i have the money, i'll try to get two more c. hastatus, but thats the only time i've seen them for sale.

about to put pics up, but my camera is misbehaving :(
oh... i just found a dead Aplocheilichthys Normani :(
I like the dwarf cory + shrimp combination. Dwarf Corys are so cute :D and you know I like shrimps :lol:

I want to see some pics :hyper:
I like the dwarf cory + shrimp combination. Dwarf Corys are so cute :D and you know I like shrimps :lol:

I want to see some pics :hyper:

my tank is at a REALLY awkward position to take pics! :(

I didnt think of that before I put it there lol. :(


I'll try to take some more :blush:
All my tanks are in awkward positions, not that I have the choice anyway living in a small place :lol:

Your tank's looking good :thumbs: I like the bogwood. Your shrimps are going to love it :D
All my tanks are in awkward positions, not that I have the choice anyway living in a small place :lol:

Your tank's looking good :thumbs: I like the bogwood. Your shrimps are going to love it :D

thanks, i love the wood too. :D

I wish the tank had a fast forward button. :lol: it'd look good in a few months.
:lol: Wish all mine have that button too. The only things that grow well in my tanks are the superb variety of algae species :lol:
:lol: Wish all mine have that button too. The only things that grow well in my tanks are the superb variety of algae species :lol:

And the lovely moss you sent me! :wub:

Would be cool to have that button! lol... cycle in a few mins..... :hey:
I missed this mate, looking good, nice wood you have got, perfect for this tank. How is it going? Do you doe any root tabs for the crypts?

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