10g Tank Mates?


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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I'm off to the pet store soon, any ideas for decent 10g tank mates for a male betta? Something that could do with water changes and no filter would be best.
Without a filter... white cloud mountain minnows would probably be your best bet because of their hardiness... but you're probably better off getting a filter if possible.
Why don't you just go ahead and cycle it? It would be alot better for your betta and whatever else you decide to put in there.
I agree w/ echo - no filter on a 10 would be kind of haphazard. . .

Cycle! It's your friend!

I ended up being able to free up a box\sponge air pump filter and installed it. I dunno if he likes the bubbles or not but he'll have to get used to it.
With a filter, you can have:
white clouds
African dwarf frogs
khuli loaches
With a filter, you can have:
white clouds
African dwarf frogs
khuli loaches

Thanks guys but I decided against roommates. I think I'm going to try my hand at spawning bettas again soon. My last attempt worked but many didn't live since my brine shrimp didn't really hatch.. I need to find new food for babies first ><

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