About a month ago I converted my Juwel rio 400 (100 gal) tank into a planted tank. As it's new, please excuse the algae.
I have two filters - the standard Juwel internal, and an external Tetratec 1500. The filters were already mature, having been running for approx 3 years now.
Heater - although it's switched off most of the time because the lights heat the tank.
I have upgraded my lights from the standard Juwel T8 lights to the new T5 Juwel system. I then found it wasn't enough. So I added two extra 54watt T5s and things are now coming along nicely.
I am dosing PPS (Perpetual Preservation System) method, which is when you dose low amounts of ferts, but every day. So the plants get what they need in a day and excess nutrients don't build up (so you don't HAVE to do water changes once a week).
I have pressurised CO2 running off two systems, one at each end.
Plants are from www.thegreenmachine.com <---recommended!
Substrate is just normal sand. I want ADA Aquasoil, but it's VERY pricey. And I'm moving house in a years time and I hear it doesn't like being moved (can turn to mud) so I'll upgrade the substrate in a year. For the moment I'm using root tabs for the more 'rooty' plants.
Plant list:
Neasea Crassicaulis
Hygophila corymbosa (red)
Crinium calamistratum
hygrophila difformis
Aponegeton Madagascarieisis (lace plant)
Anubias (not sure what variety it is)
cryptocoryne wendtii (tropica)
Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (I already have this)
Hemianthus micranthemeides
Hemianthus callitrichoides (cuba)
Eleocharis parvula (hairgrass)
java fern
Fish list:
2 bala sharks
1 very friendly parrot cichlid
khuli loaches
3 glowlight tetras
10ish red line rasboras
3?- bristlenose plecs, all female
2 bulldog plecs
1 whiptail cat
3 striped raphaels
some juli cories
1 albino cory
5? black widow tetras
3? gold tetras
5 angels
some otos
2 flying fox
2 SAEs
probably more but I can't remember them
Here it is:
full tank shot
left side
right side
HC and lace plant
2 of the angels
striped raphael
pumpkin the parrot cichlid
I have two filters - the standard Juwel internal, and an external Tetratec 1500. The filters were already mature, having been running for approx 3 years now.
Heater - although it's switched off most of the time because the lights heat the tank.
I have upgraded my lights from the standard Juwel T8 lights to the new T5 Juwel system. I then found it wasn't enough. So I added two extra 54watt T5s and things are now coming along nicely.
I am dosing PPS (Perpetual Preservation System) method, which is when you dose low amounts of ferts, but every day. So the plants get what they need in a day and excess nutrients don't build up (so you don't HAVE to do water changes once a week).
I have pressurised CO2 running off two systems, one at each end.
Plants are from www.thegreenmachine.com <---recommended!
Substrate is just normal sand. I want ADA Aquasoil, but it's VERY pricey. And I'm moving house in a years time and I hear it doesn't like being moved (can turn to mud) so I'll upgrade the substrate in a year. For the moment I'm using root tabs for the more 'rooty' plants.
Plant list:
Neasea Crassicaulis
Hygophila corymbosa (red)
Crinium calamistratum
hygrophila difformis
Aponegeton Madagascarieisis (lace plant)
Anubias (not sure what variety it is)
cryptocoryne wendtii (tropica)
Microsorum pteropus 'Windelov' (I already have this)
Hemianthus micranthemeides
Hemianthus callitrichoides (cuba)
Eleocharis parvula (hairgrass)
java fern
Fish list:
2 bala sharks
1 very friendly parrot cichlid
khuli loaches
3 glowlight tetras
10ish red line rasboras
3?- bristlenose plecs, all female
2 bulldog plecs
1 whiptail cat
3 striped raphaels
some juli cories
1 albino cory
5? black widow tetras
3? gold tetras
5 angels
some otos
2 flying fox
2 SAEs
probably more but I can't remember them
Here it is:
full tank shot
left side
right side
HC and lace plant
2 of the angels
striped raphael
pumpkin the parrot cichlid