100g Tank Idea, Need Help And Advice


Jun 20, 2007
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Long Island, NY
Well, I'm getting my 100g tank in a few days (finally!) and my current fixation is silver dollars.

Now, I'm planning on putting a bunch of roots on one end (fish encyclopedia recomends it), with a piece of bogwood in the open area. I'm also doing sand as the substrate. Could I put java moss on the log or would the silver dollars decimate it?

I'm thinking 6-8 of them would work, right?

Are there any fish that can be kept with them? I was thinking of putting my bristlenose with them (so I can covert mollies to brackish) but could I mabye add some kind of loach? (love the loches. ^^)

Thank you in advance for answering my questions!
Silver Dollars are schooling fish and should be kept in a group with at least six Silver Dollars.

Silver Dollars are good tank mates for Angels that are about the same size as the Silver Dollars. Swordtails and Mollies. Also White Tip Shark Cats, Plecostomus Catfish, and Pictus Catfish are also good tank mates for Silver Dollars.

Silver Dollars are often seen in aquariums with Gouramis, Giant Danios, Rainbows, a group of Bala Sharks, and a group of Clown Loaches.

Large Silver Dollars are sometimes seen in large aquariums with Neotropical Cichlids such as Jack Dempseys, Firemouths, and even Oscars. But of course the Silver Dollars must be large and swim very fast to stay away from the aggressive cichlids.
if you go with loaches keep in mind that the majority of loaches must be kept in groups of at least 5-7. the only loaches which don't require groups are on the aggressive side.
I've kept silver dollars for years.. currently I have 5 in a 55g tank with 2 cichlids.

Anyways, are you going to go with a community type tank? cichlids? any other type of fish catch your eye?

You don't want anything that moves too fast, as they will stress the SDs out badly. (From what I've experienced at least)
Well, my current stocking plan is 8 SDs, and mabye a large group of khulies, or clown loaches. Mabye even corys, but I'd need to include lots of caves and such to make up for the lack of plants.

ANy suggestions?
I Have 2 clown loaches with 5 tiger barbs and they go great together probably cause they are the same color pattern

Exact same thing with me, maybe thats why my loaches are so out going, theyre the opposite of shy

never thought of that could be though.

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