100g Oscar + More?


Fish Herder
Mar 13, 2004
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Searching Lake Ontario for tropical fish...No luck
I might be getting an 100g diamond corner-hugging tank and was thinking about what fish to put in it. I would really like to keep a large cichlid because they are so beautiful and have personalities, but also want it to be a community tank. Here are some of my ideas:

100g = 1 Red Oscar, a few Silver Dollars, 3-5 Clown Loaches, some Tiger Barbs, 1 Common Plec

100g = 1 Green Terror, a few Silver Dollars, 3-5 Clown Loaches, some Tiger Barbs, 1 Common Plec

100g = 1 Red Oscar, 1 Green Terror, a few Silver Dollars, maybe Balas or Tinfoil Barbs, 1 Common Plec

100g = Large school of Silver Dollars, large school of Tiger Barbs, 3-5 Clown Loaches, 1 Common Plec, 2 Convict Cichlids/Small Cichlids

My water has a pH level of 7.4 naturally, and I dont want to play with it.

This is all theoretical, so dont be too harsh with replies :unsure: ;) Also, anymore ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have done my research, mostly using this site http://centralpets.com/pages/fish/freshwat...ater_fish.shtml
Only option four is viable IMO. I wouldnt keep a green terror with any other species, they are hard enough to keep in their own species in groups.

Oscars may be able to be kept with a large robust plec, like L114 who would not be a push over. As far as other species who might want to share the same swimming space, I would have to say forget it :)

Just going by my own experience and what I have, I would say that you could keep a green terror and an Oscar in a 100g. My Oscar shares his tank with a Jack Dempsey, Green Severum and a pink Convict. The only possible problem I can forsee is that you would want to start out with whatever tankmate you get being bigger than the Oscar. Oscars grow very quickly and view any fish small enough to fit in their mouths as food so this should also be a consideration when choosing dithers or targets. Green Terrors on the other hand grow excrutiatingly slow. So, the GT would need to be a decent size before you put him with an Oscar.

Having said that, my GT is happiest and at his most responsive when he is the king of his tank. Once the Oscar got bigger than him, and then established his dominance, the GT was not as happy, make sense? The Oscar hasn't messed with the pleco in his tank. But, the pleco is nearly full grown (last measurement was estimated at 11.5"). The GT was co-habitating with some yo-yo loaches with no problems.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
I'm sorry, but I wouldn't put the Silvers in a tank with any large, slightly aggressive chichlid. From what I've read and talked about with people, not ONE has had a good experience with that situation. The Silver Dollars don't do good with getting pushed around. They will end up getting Ick or Fungus or other wierd diseases from being stressed all the time. Some people, like CFC, seem to have good luck with not having FREAKY Silver Dollars. He says his are fairly tame. I have found that to be very uncommon so he is very lucky. The very last thing you want to do when SDs are concerned is bring stress INTO the tank when they are getting enough stress already from what's on the OUTSIDE of the tank!!?? My CAT even freaks mine out........SHEEESH!!

Do you get what I mean?? :/

Just my thoughts. :*)

So option four would be wonderful I think!!

Maybe you could use the 30 gallon you have now for a small cichlid tank.....you could just get a pair of something or 1 Green Terror maybe???? Does that interest you at all..........man, IT DOES ME!!!!!!! :hyper: :D

Forget the tiger barbs and clown loaches with any aggressive species of cichlid, neither fish is built for punishment and will soon start to suffer in a aggressive enviroment.
You could keep a oscar and GT in a 100g but as mentioned the GT would need to be substancially bigger than the oscar in the beggining to avoid becoming a snack, oscars are not a overly aggressive species but will eat anything that can fit in their mouth. The silver dollars tinfoil barbs or bala's would make good shoaling tankmates but you could only keep one species, a large plec would be fine.
Thanks guys, especially you CFC, I really appreciate it:) Im positive I want a Red Oscar, I thinnk they are really cool and interesting, do you think a school or Tinfoils would fare better than SD's? Balas seem like a great choice too, except they seem to be very expensive:S

Oh, and wouldnt a 30g be too small for a GT...THAT WOULD BE SOOO COOL THO :thumbs:
heheheheehhehe why dont you get a nice big jag or devil? :p just a suggestion

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