100g of fun


Jan 24, 2005
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Probably on the bus to Brock U.
Here's what I was thinkin for my 100g:

Current Residents
- 1 Large Common Plec
- 1 Small Common Plec
- 5 Midsized Silver Dollars
- 4 Sneaky Khulis Loaches

Future Residents
- 2 More SD's
- 3 Bala Sharks*
- Maybe a bunch of Barbs or Angels and more peaceful, unedible fish

What do you think?

*I would love the Balas, but they might outgrow my tank, and I odnt know if three would be enough?

I would also love some more bottom feeders, Im thinkin clowns?
corykitty516 said:
DannyBoy17 said:
- 4 Sneaky Khulis Loaches

They are sneaky arent they? Get some more of those :D
My goodness, I never can find them! When I went to change my subsrate, in a barren tank, with only little patches of sand, they still were impossible to locate! So I poured the gravel on, knowing they would die....well, a couple mins after, I see them darting around the tank!!! :thumbs:
Why would you knowingly kill your fish?
Ahh get it now. You meant your fish would know they would die?
Do khulis stay relitavely small? I have been looking into loaches, but i know clowns get huge. I only have a 3 foot / 35 gal tank.
Khulies are wonderful fish for smaller tanks. They grow to a maximum of 4", are very peaceful and are so very cute!

I'd skip the balas personaly. I'm sure it would be possible to keep them in a 100 gallon and 3 would be ok but I still feel they deserve more swimming space.

Be careful with mixing nippy fish like barbs with long-finned fish like angels.

Have you considered some kissing gouramies or (better still IMO) moonlight gouramies?
Angelfish can't be kept with most barbs. Cherry barbs would be fine with angelfish. Although most sources say you can't do this, all barbs will get along very well with Gouramis. I wouldn't combine Dwarf Gouramis with Tiger, Rosy or Golden barbs though.
Silver dollars may pick at angels fins. I have a 100 with 4 silver dollars (2 are red hooks) and an oscar, 4 convicts and a pleco. My tank seems a little crowded to me. I wouldn't add too many more fish.

60"L x 18"W x22"H

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