10 Tiger Barbs


New Member
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Livestock: Tiger Barbs
Quantity for sale: 12
Reason for Sale: overcrowing
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: £5 the lot or swap
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Norwich, Norfolk

I have a lovely group of 10 12 Tiger Barbs of varying ages and sizes. From mature, large to around 6 months-ish old, small.

Mainly standard colouration, some green and one albino.

All eating very well and never shown any aggression to other tank mates and don't seem to fin nip.

Looking for £10 the lot, or swap for other tropicals. Young Angelfish would be great. I may also split into smaller groups.

Thanks :)

Update: 12 Tiger Barbs, not 10!

Looking to find a new home for them asap, hence new price of £5 the lot :)
Aw :( Sorry - distance is always a pain in the bum!

They have found a new home now anyway...was going to update the thread tonight :)

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