$10 Solution to API Test Kit Frustrations...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2021
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For years I have fought the shortcomings of the API Test Kit. Their test tubes fall over and spill, how to you easily test, dry and store the tubes and caps? Their "deluxe" test kit does not include KH and GH.

How do you test, store and dry those as well? Here is one $10 solution...

API Rack.jpg

This is a rack from Amazon...
I don’t use my API kit very often and I rinse my tubes in R/O water . The caps too . I dry them with a paper towel and air dry what’s left . I never see any water spots on them . I like that test tube rack . You should get a white lab coat to go with it .
I don’t use my API kit very often and I rinse my tubes in R/O water . The caps too . I dry them with a paper towel and air dry what’s left . I never see any water spots on them . I like that test tube rack . You should get a white lab coat to go with it .
Well, if you used the API kit as much as I do, you may want a white lab coat as well ;)!

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