10 gallon


New Member
Nov 20, 2004
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I have a ten gallon tank. In it I have two female bettas, three harlequin rasboras and an algae eater. Is this a good amount of fish or could I add something more? Thanks for the help! :D
I would say get 3 more Harlequins as they are schooling fish and leave it at that. It should work out ok if you keep up with water changes, though by the 1inch per gallon rule your overstocked.

You may find you have to remove the female Bettas in the future as I think they can be aggressive.

Also, what is the algae eater? If its an Otto they should really be in a small school of 2-3, and if its a Pleco you most probably have a fish that is unsuitable for your size tank.
And if it's a chinese algae eater it will become aggressive and large. I wouldn't add any more fish myself or take out the algae eater and add some more rasboras in it's place.
its a chinese algae eater, and it already is pretty big. As for the bettas, i ended up with two mild ones, and they never fight or bother the other fish.
You're lucky with those bettas then - they do vary in temperament quite a bit. Still, that 'chinese' 'algae - eater' will have to go before it starts killing your fish... when I said they grow quite large I meant they grow to 10 inches - to put that into perspective, that's only 2 inches less than a common pleco, bala shark, clown loach, piranha or oscar! All of which would generaly need a tank much larger than even 75 gallons...

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