10 Gallon

What are the dimensions of the tank?

What kind of fish do YOU like? Small shoals of tetras/rasboras? Livebearers? Corys? Give us something to go on.

10 gallons isn't very big, you're going to be a bit limited and have to consider smaller fish.

Anyway, you need to cycle it first.
its a 10 long i like small fish and big fish so throw any at me!
Measure it, 'long' isn't a measurement! The length makes all the difference, for example when considering active fish which like to swim along the whole tank vs slower fish which just go with the flow.

Also some input on what you like such as colours etc would be helpful. Do you like shoals? Individuals? Active fish that occupy all areas, ones that hang out at the top/bottom?

Try searching the forum for '10 gallon stocking' - there are loads of threads already where people have asked the same thing and recieved lots of different ideas.

You must have SOME idea of what YOU would like in your tank?
Ok, well, same still stands - try doing a search and see what comes up, get some ideas of what you might like. It's easier to go from something like that than just fling names of fish at you.

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