10 Gallon

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Oct 25, 2003
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Hi all :),

Well I plan on taking a little trip to the lfs tomorrow. I was wondering what would get along with the fish already in my 10 gallon?

I have been interested in a RTBS or a rainbow shark but would these hurt the betta?

I need a hardy fish because I haven't tested it's water for awhile maybe I will when I go tomorrow though (I don't have a test kit yet I plan on buying one very soon though)... Thanks for your help! :)
RTBS & rainbow sharks are too big for a 10 gal could get one for your new tank though. I have one and leaves everyone alone. Also only one per tank like bettas towards each other
Okay thanks for your help fish_r_great! :) so any suggestions for the 10 gallon??
The only thing I could think to add to your current setup is some cories, maybe ADF's, or more livebearers. Really, I'd suggest moving the betta out of that tank and into his own spot, that way you'll have way more options. However, it does depend on his temperment, and the other fish you add. For example, you could have some danios, but they might harrass him, or the other way around. Also, I really recommend Dwarf Gouramis (you could have one male).. but they really don't get along with bettas. Very closely related and you know how two male bettas would get along! -_- Anyways, if not, cories are always a wonderful choice, you could fit a school in there and they'd be quite happy. :thumbs:

Edit: Forgot to comment on the dwarf puffers - they wouldn't go with your current fish, but if the tank was empty they would. A pair or maybe 3 of these guys are a ton of fun (though require somewhat specialized care). Might be worth looking into, depending on what you want to do with your other fish.
Well the problem is.... that all I have for the betta is a little bowl and I had him in that before and he didn't like it. I plan on moving the swordtail out and into the 60 gallon. (got the equipment yesterday) so with the plan of me moving out the swordtail soon open anything up?

Edit: the bettas temperment is okay, he will flare at himself and sometimes at the swordtail.
yup id go with cories,ottos,danios,bristlenose cat, loaches(check 1st, some are aggressive)few more sword tails.
never seen danios get aggro will anything exept food :D
RYO said:
yup id go with cories,ottos,danios,bristlenose cat, loaches(check 1st, some are aggressive)few more sword tails.
never seen danios get aggro will anything exept food :D
Yeah I would say these are the main options for small, hardy fish.

Good Luck
I'd definitely also agree with the cories, and an oto or two.

Bristlenose plecos, and almost all loaches (except maybe chain and kuhli loaches) will get too big for that tank, imo.

One suggestin: a group of five or six neon tetras would fill out the middle of the tank, with the betta at the top, and the cories at the bottom.

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