Fish Crazy
Hey, I'm trying to locate the place with the cheapest ten gallon tanks available in montreal. Anyone have any ideas where I might look?
And is it possible with a ten gallon to have it particitianed four ways and still have comfortable fish? I know three way is more than possible, but I'm not sure about 4.
If so, what would you suggest?
If 4 way isn't possible, what is the smallest sized aquarium I can get that can have a heater? 5.5? And that would be split 2 ways, correct?
I'm basically triying to plan ahead so I don't need to buy another tank in 6 weeks if I get a nice betta.
And there "happens" to be a fish auction coming up, where there may be a nice betta I'd want to bring home
I think I could temporarily rig a ten gallon house four, but it wouldn't be very "pretty". *mrf*
Oh well. Any suggestions on a good tank layout for a divided ten gal betta tank?
And is it possible with a ten gallon to have it particitianed four ways and still have comfortable fish? I know three way is more than possible, but I'm not sure about 4.
If so, what would you suggest?
If 4 way isn't possible, what is the smallest sized aquarium I can get that can have a heater? 5.5? And that would be split 2 ways, correct?
I'm basically triying to plan ahead so I don't need to buy another tank in 6 weeks if I get a nice betta.
And there "happens" to be a fish auction coming up, where there may be a nice betta I'd want to bring home
I think I could temporarily rig a ten gallon house four, but it wouldn't be very "pretty". *mrf*
Oh well. Any suggestions on a good tank layout for a divided ten gal betta tank?