10 gallon tanks


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Hey, I'm trying to locate the place with the cheapest ten gallon tanks available in montreal. Anyone have any ideas where I might look?

And is it possible with a ten gallon to have it particitianed four ways and still have comfortable fish? I know three way is more than possible, but I'm not sure about 4.

If so, what would you suggest?

If 4 way isn't possible, what is the smallest sized aquarium I can get that can have a heater? 5.5? And that would be split 2 ways, correct?

I'm basically triying to plan ahead so I don't need to buy another tank in 6 weeks if I get a nice betta.

And there "happens" to be a fish auction coming up, where there may be a nice betta I'd want to bring home :)

I think I could temporarily rig a ten gallon house four, but it wouldn't be very "pretty". *mrf*

Oh well. Any suggestions on a good tank layout for a divided ten gal betta tank?

Do you have a petco, petsmart. Not sure. I know prices are different up there, but is cal. USA they are like $9
petcetera is canada owned and operated..

they have em on sale for like $10 every so often..

if not $10 theyll be $15 which aint bad either..

they often have kits for $40 also..

good luck
If you just want a plain old glass tank with none of the accessories yes it is around $15 but with a heater and a filter it is going to cost you significantly more ...probably around $60....I know i found one at petsmart for about that. Otherwise if you are really on a budget shop around for a second hand one i know i saw one in the buy and sell for $20 with all the accessories. So it is just a matter of looking around for a deal. I couldn't tell you specifically where to look in the Montreal area but try flea market or a magazine that sells second hand stuff such as the buy and sell you could maybe even luck out at a garage sale. Good luck on your search.

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