10 gallon tank


New Member
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
West yorkshire, UK
i posted nearly a week ago about my new tank i had some bad advice from my lfs and commited the greatest newbie sin of over filling my tank with fish!! :/ :stupid:

i just wanted to thank all who posted on the "tuxedo platys will they breed?" thread i have had one death :byebye: (dave the red fin shark :rip:) but all other fish are healthy and doing well water has been tested and is great! i now have 4 guppies 4 neons and 2 tuxedo platys and before any one says yes this is still too much for a 10 gallon i know and i'm saving for a new tank!! :*)

thanks again!! :flowers:
emma xxxx
Great! I love it when people take the advice to heart, and start saving for a bigger tank for their fish! Good for you! :thumbs:

So sorry about your shark though. :rip:

Just watch out if you have Male and Female Guppies, and Platies too. You will have lots of fry, and then they can quickly overstock the tank...and any future tanks. They are no real predators in the tank you have, so most likely a lot will live to adulthood. :crazy:
I have learned this the hard way. Which is one of the reasons I don't keep mollies and guppies anymore. They will fill up a tank in no time. I had a 55 gallon tank with hardly no fish in it then I got the mollies and guppies and needless to say I was giving away both kinds of fish. I finally got smart and seperated the males and females.

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