10 gallon tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2004
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For my new 10 gal. i plan on putting in 2 little fish (they'll stay little i forgot the name), 2 swordtails, 3 platies, and a couple kuhli loaches. Is this too much?
It depends on the tempermant of the 2 "little fish". Otherwise it sound fine to me. I would still do weekly or bi-weekly h2o changes.
I don't know what the two little fish are, but be careful that they're not schooling fish, because that would really put you over. I might just stick to the platys, swords, and kuhlis, maybe an oto.
Unless you have a spare tank for all the fry your gonna get it wont work. Believe me I know!!! You don't want a million babies!!!!
Scratch the two swordtails, they just died today. Both of them. Ruined my day. I think my rainbow shark killed them. :angry:

Well, how does this sound: The 2 little fish: dye injected "painted" skirts (sorry, they where a gift), 2 female platies if they all survive, 2 kuhli loaches, maybe some corys-how many of these guys should you get?
I don't think you should add too much ore to the bottom of the tank and as cories are schooling fish, I don't think you have the room.

If you are going to have plants in your tank 2-3 otos would be good, and very helpful ;)

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