10 Gallon Tank With 1 Platy. What Else?


Mostly New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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I have a 10 gallon tank with
1 assorted platy
2 live plants
1 driftwood
...and 1 black ghost knife, which I am going to return to the fish store as I won't be able upgrade to a tank size anywhere close one that is big enough to house him (I really really like him since I have started hand-feeding him very early on 
). Once that is done, only 1 lonely platy will be left since all others have died during fish-in cycle (all these beginner mistakes 
So, what kind of fish would you suggest adding to the tank? I really like colorful fish and having variety (although I know it is very limited in a 10 gallon tank).
Edited: By the way this tank is a bit more than one month old and it has been cycled for about 10 days.
Just like your Black Ghost Knife Fish going back to the store,  Platties are not suitable for a 10g long term, they need at least a 90x30cm footprint tank and usually groups of 8+ keep aggression in the group (albeit 8 would fully stock a 90x30x30cm ~81l tank).
Your ~38l tank is not suitable for most hobby fish, your responsible options are extremely limited. Two options that come to mind are either a Betta OR 4 Guppies.
Check out the pinned thread in the Nano Tanks section, full of ideas for fish for tiny tanks.

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