10 Gallon Tank Questions


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2011
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alright guys so here is my 10 gallon tank


has an aquaclear 20 on the back, and a 50 watt heater, currently contains 6 guppies. (had 4 and added 2 more yesterday its been running for months though)

anways i was trying to think if there were any live plants that i could add to this tank
(i tried adding anacharis before but it ended up dying)

(heres a link to the tank itself to give you an idea of the lighting http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3804453)

i was also trying to think if i should add maybe a few more guppies to my tank, or possibly a snail or some kind of shrimp

any ideas about either animal or plant life? thanks

also what do you think of the tank in general? (added the background yesterday)
I say you should rearrange what's already in there. It looks unnatural in my opinion for them to all be in a straight line.
If you want plants, mosses java ferns are both very easy options that dont require a lot of light and are very easy to take care of.
I say you should rearrange what's already in there. It looks unnatural in my opinion for them to all be in a straight line.
If you want plants, mosses java ferns are both very easy options that dont require a lot of light and are very easy to take care of.

thanks any other plant suggests would be helpful people

(dont know which plants ill be able to find locally)

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