10 gallon suggestions


New Member
Apr 4, 2004
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New Jersey
Hi, I just set up my 10 gallon tank today, and i'm wondering what kind of fish to add. I really have a thing for angels, but I have heard that they are to small for a 10 gallon. Does anyone have some suggestions/amounts of fish to put in? Thanks.
Meh. Neons are boring in my opinion. And yes, I mean't the tank is to small for them. :D
Well then, maybe you could suggest something that you don't think is boring, and we could comment on whether it fits in a 10 gallon.

IMO neons are beautiful.
Neons are beautiful, but very prone to disease, which is a real downside to me :no:

If you like the looks of neons, try some cardinals instead. They are less prone to disease :nod: .

After thinking about it for a whole 2 minutes, I think I might go with neons actually. I wanna add something else with the neons. How many do neons can I add while still having from for another kind of fish?
Hi I seen a very beautiful tank of neons done. It was a 10 gal, with live plants. It housed 2 panda cory cat fish, 8 regular neon tetras and 8 black neon tetras. Absolutley stunning :kana:

Another beautiful display is the same setup as above, but instead of the neons add a nice school or harlequins (12)

good luck to you..... :)
if u put a male betta in with any other fish he will beat them up
Hi EkizUCLA :)

Do you still have the platys and will they need to go in the new tank too? :unsure: If so, how many of them are there?

I also want to make sure that you understand about cycling a tank. Some fish. such as neons, should really go into a well established tank only, and you will probably want to take that into consideration too, if you will be cycling with fish.

Another thing to consider when setting up a tank is what part of the tank the fish will occupy. In bugsy66's example above, the corys spend most of their time at the bottom and the neons live above them. That would make it attractive because it would have activity all over.
FiSHY925 said:
if u put a male betta in with any other fish he will beat them up
If you don't know about it, please don't give this kind of advice :no:

Bettas are actually compatible with many types of fishes, tetras being one of them. However, you may find in certain cases that the tetra nips the betta instead. There are many variables, all about the personalities of the fish you have.

The danios are my main worry. Danios will most probably nip the betta, so i guess its no go with that combo.

hmm ..i just found another 10g and im wondering what i should put in it ..im kinna looking for some bigger fish ..maybe a good mating pair? or one big fish? ..any suggestions?

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