10 Gallon Predatory Fish


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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I know there might be only one or two result if there isn't none but someone had asked me if there is any fish "that eats other fish" that can live in a 10 gallon. So, is there any predatory fish that can live in a 10 gallon?
Pantodon buchholzi "eat other fish". they are in interesting looking oddball, but IME theyre not as interesting after a couple of months.
I have kept African Butterflies but don't they need atleast 20 gallons? Mine were in a 48 gallon.

And for a 10 gallon it would be one Exodon Paradoxus or a group?

Also, what about dwarf puffers?
IMHO i don't think you could fit exodon's in there, from what i understand they do best in large groups but idk maybe you could fit 6 or 7 in, but the agression might be really high. with dwarf puffers: i personally love these fish, theyre amazing, the personality is crazy. but really dp's arent fish eaters they can **** up snails pretty bad and some shrimp or some fiddler crabs will get torn to shreds. As for exo's yeah these fish will tear the hell out of any shiny fish, they like to eat scales and silver fish its pretty awesome if you like to watch predators in action lol.
And for a 10 gallon it would be one Exodon Paradoxus or a group?

exodons should be kept in a group of 10. while a 10g is a bit tight, these fish can do very well in small tanks with the right maintenance.
you will need to bump up your filtration a bit and keep up with your weekly WC, but it is doable.
Keep in mind this person getting this 10 gallon and fish is completely new to fish keeping. I think the exodon group might be pushing it unless you can keep one alone which I have heard you can.
no you can not.
actually, you "can", but SHOULD NOT.
you "can" drive a car with your feet if you want to, but it doesnt make it a good idea.
You could always opt for a pair of Channa Micropeltes in there.

.... Just kidding DON'T DO THIS!!!!
lol, i saw some at one of my lfs's and they looked awesome, only 2 or 3 inches long, seemingly perfect for a 10 gallon, but they grow almost 4' long dont they

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