what kind of light would you reccomend for a 10 gallon nano with live rock in it at the moment and probaly adding some soft corals mushroom, etc at a later date
how would 40 watts of just plain flourescent work or would that be too little for some types of coral and if not what kinds of coral could work under that light
OR, what I did originally was to use 13watt shop lights (aka Bookworm lights) and replace the bulbs -- one with a daylight and one with actinic (you can buy them from Hellolights.com).
If you search around on Nano-reefs.com can find quite a few setups using those lights (usually on 2.5 or 5.5 gallon tanks). I used them for my 5.5 successfully, and that's what I have on my 10g right now (with mushrooms, but no other corals). I'm ugrading it to a 29-gallon with "real" lighting soon though haha. But it's definately an inexpensive alternative in the short term!