10 Gallon: I Know What Kind Of Fish I Want...


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Ok, so as you read in the title, I have a 10 gallon I can use. I really want african cichlids, but I know they get big and they would quickly out grow a 10 gallon. So, is there any kind of african cichlid I can get for a 10 gallon that would not out grow it, and be perfect in there? If not, what other kinds of cichlids would work? I'd really prefer African Cichlids over South American Cichlids.
Dwarf Shells eh? Could I have some more information on them? Are they realitively easy to get, and about how much would they cost?
I have 3 multi's, meant to be the smallest growing cichlids females getting 1" males about 1.5" I think.

Lot's of shells for them to hide in, mine eat flakes mainly and other things.

I can't remember exact price I think they were about £4 each.

Probably the most common sort.
I have no idea what £4 is in America, but that sounds cheap.

So they're called Multi's? Ok, so any specific kind of shell? Like, would normal snail shells from a lake work?
£4 I'm not sure on either, about $7 maybe?

Shells, I use some random shells normally for decorative purposes in houses, snails shells from the garden and some I bought in an LFS.
Sorry for the bump, but I was just wondering, what other kinds of african cichlids could go in a 10 gallon, either way, I'm probably going to get Shell Dwellers, I've read up a bit on them, but I want to see other possibilities. I probably wouldn't this tank set up untill 2007 anyway.
Honestly, shellies are your only real option. Here's a good link for more info. on them: http://www.cichlidrecipe.com/shellweb/
I agree that multifasciatus are the best for so small a tank. If you want other options, it may be best to ask in the African Cichlids section fo the forums.
That was actually the site I was on. lol.

Mkay, that's all I wanted to know. ;)

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