10 gallon hexagon tank


New Member
Jun 6, 2004
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Wondered if anybody had any advice, brought a 10 gallon hexagon tank a year ago with a fuval 1 filter, this lately doesn't seem to be keeping the tank clear, so I replaced it with a fuvel 2, but this still isn't working that well. I clean the filter out once a week and do a 3/4 water change about every 3 weeks, I wondered if I had the light on for too long. I have a mixture of fish and 3 congo frogs, which need blood worms - I feed them frozen bloodworms, could this be why the water always seems cloudy?? I also have a separate bubble tube, which I have tried not using but this didn't seem to make alot of difference either, I use sand on the bottom of the tank, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :D

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