10 Gallon Hex nano


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
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Anchorage Alaska
Okay, I considereda 12 gallon eclipse style tank for the dorm (one of the fan cooled nanocubes from doctors foster and smith), but the problem is that I can't hook any periferals up, I'm talking about an auto topup system, and an auto feeder (I have the wood working skills to make a hex hood out of 1/4th or 1/2 inch ply, with a plexy devider to keep the components dry and make salt creep managable).

For filtration I would use one of these http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...8&N=2004+113040 on an apropriately sized powerhead and For heat and any chemical filtration I might get one of these http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod...5&N=2004+113767

The highly competent 3FSH suggested that I split the outflow of whatever powerhead I get to reduce the likelyhood of forming a whirl pool. In to this tank I'd probably put 12-16 LB's of live rock, a few various hermits, a Few snails (nassarus, carith, and astrea, because they look cool) and one Leather toadstool for two Very small False Percs to host in. I'd Proabaly build 40-50 W of CF lighting into the hood, MAybe 50/50 or an actinic and a daylight, finding the fixtures would be the hardest part, So, anyone have anything to say?
First off...I'm personally not a big fan of hex's. The tank is more deep than wide and makes for tough aquascaping and more difficult light penetration. As you know, the deeper a tank, the more strained the bottom is for oxygen. JMO.

I think some of the gadgets are overkill. You can get a powerhead and heater for less than that combined thingy. JMO.

If you want a nano in your dorm room, there is nothing more flexible than a 10 or 20 G AGA. An AquaClear HOB would provide some circulation and a place for your media inserts. A single powerheard would add flow... a heater....and your set. Compare the prices on that stuff. Despite the negative things on glass cracking with the 24G NC, a 12G has a better track record and might be a better option. SH
Will the dorm room be air-conditioned? My experience in a dorm room was a very hot and humid one. This would not be so great for the tank. Also, what do you plan to do with the tank on holidays and times away from the dorm....You already mentioned that you cannot have an auto-topoff or auto-feeder.

As far as the tank goes... what you mentioned sounds fine to me. Some of the options SH mentioned provide greater flexibility and possibly savings.

For what it's worth... I have a system setup in my apartment at school. Although my parents only live an hour and a half away, the tank often restricts me from going home for an extended period of time. I have been away from it for a little over a week (a few times) and never had a problem... but that's a risk that I have taken.

I think that it's a really great idea that you have going here! Good luck!
Well, I desided that the 10 gallon hex would be a better option than a 12 for two reasons, 1 I can build my own hood, Providing room for an auto feeder and auto top up system and about 48 Watts of compact florescent.

My limit is sadly 10 gallon, wich poses some heat problems but I Could easily cut out a side of the hex hood I invision and install a computer box fan (prefferably a quiet one) to sweep the heat away, Also, I'm going to be in south western Colorado, mountain country and while it gets ot durring the day some days, there is a 30 degree swing between night and day year long and humidity and presure are both low.

IU like the Hex over the Standard because its got a smaller footprint, I am really only planning on having one sarcophyton so lighting shouldnt be that much of a problem, maybe get a fanworm or christmas tree.

As for the gadgets, I really like the look of them, The powerhead quickfilter is something A teacher of mine had on a FW system (it was acctually for a Reverse flow UGF) and I always thought it was a terribly efficient way to remove particulate mater and provide an area for things to colonise, plus its like 3 dollars plus shipping, not bad. And as for the thermaflow I like two things about it, well three considering how darned attractive it is. I like that the casing remains cool, so I wont be singeng anything, and I like how it provides me a small compartment to keep chemical Filter components incase phosphates become a problem. And hey, extra waterflow is almost always a good thing too.

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