10 Gallon Dorm Tank


Dec 25, 2009
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Tampa, FL
Hey guys,
I'm more than likely going to be moving into a dorm later this year for university and their housing rules restrict you to a 10 gallon tank. I've been doing some thinking and little research on the topic of possibly having a 10 gallon marine tank. It would be a first for me but I am aware of the extra effort id have to put in. I guess what I'm really asking for is any view points or experience on 10 gallon marine tanks (or tanks in dorms)
Thanks, ajs2294
I've done a VERY mini reef, but it was a lot of trouble. Plus, I had no where to store the salt.
Are you able to stay in the dorm year-round through all breaks? Not all dorms have mandatory kick-out periods, but those that do are a very bad place for aquariums even if aquariums are allowed.
I will more than likely be in a dorm with an 11.5 month contract with breaks. If I end up in a per semester ill probably steer clear of saltwater

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